Chapter seven-scary movies and scarier bets

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Harry's POV

"Never ever ever put that movie on again." Hayley said as ahe got up to put a new movie on.

"But Hayley E.T isn't scary." Lisa said trying to keep a straight face, "Remember that time when you broke Kate's T.V?" Me and Lou just looked at each other with 'wtf' looks on our faces.

"Never bring that up again." Hayley said to Lisa.

"Never say never." lisa said to Hayley, they nodded at each other,

"See I never thought that I could walk through fire, I never thought that I could take the burn, I never had the strength to take it higher," Lisa started to sing, really good if you ask me.

"Until I reached the point of no return, And there's just no turning back, When your heart's under attack, Gonna give everything I have, It's my destiny." Hayley sang just as good as Lisa. "Pet Semetery?"

"Nah that's to scary." Lisa said looking through the dvd's as if that singing burst never happened. "i know IT." Lisa said as she put a disc in the dvd player.

"Remember the last time we tried to watch this?" Hayley asked her bestfriend.

"Yes you got so scared.." Lisa said.

"you made us turn it off before it even started!" Hayley exclaimed.

"Same thing, different meaning." Lisa replied.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, " Lou started, "The movies started." trust Louis to ignore that conversation. "I want popcorn!!!" Louis whined.

"Get it yourself then." Lisa said as she got even closer to the couch.

"Hey guys! it's dark outside!!" Louis shouted from the kitchen as we heard the pop pop popping sound. Everyone looked outside to see that it had infact gotten dark.

"Well done Louis would you like a medal?" Hayley said sarcasticly.

"And if i did?..." Louis said.

"Then your not getting one." Hayley said as she went back to watching the movie.

"Oh why are you so mean to me?" louis said as he sat down with the popcorn.

"Care to share mate?" i ask him as i smell the popcorn.

"tell your girlfriend to say sorry and then you can have some." Louis said with his mouth full of food. Girlfriend? oh his joking.

"Dude you know i don't have a girlfriend at the moment." I tell him.

"Only cause you cant get one." i faintly heard Hayley mumble.

"I heard that!!" Louis shouted making Lisa jump at the movie. i slightly heard him say 'sorry beautiful' and a small blush creeped onto her face.

"I could so...i just don't want one." I argue, only you...wait i did not just think that she is evil, but she is also sweet and cares about her friends, but she broke my phone...oh i son't know...

"ahahaha, come on Louis, you agree with me right, Harry couldn't get a girlfriend even if he tried." Hayley said addressing my bestfriend. Louis gave me an 'hah im up to something and there is nothing you can do about it' look...CRAP!!

"I know how about a little bets?" Louis said in a cheeky voice, hayley and i both agreed, "Harry has to make Hayley fall in love with hi and vis-versa, the one who falls in love first wins." Lou what did you get me into? hayley and I tried to talk Louis out of the bet but he wouldn't talk to us, so we just started to watch the movie.

"dude," hayley started as she stood up, "walk me to the toilet?" she asked Lisa.

"Only if you walk me there first." lisa replied and they both left to go to the toilet.

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