Chapter eleven-Friends or...?

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Hayley's POV

i could hear blankets moving then feet softly walking out of the door but i couldn't be bothered checking what it was. I snuggled up to the warm body in my bed...wait! whose in my bed? meh, cant be bothered checkng. i slowly drift back to sleep

i slowly open my eyes to see brown curly hair spread across my pillow, oh god please dont tell me its Harry. as i look at the face of the person i have convinced i hate so much, i think why i hate him so much, he hasnt really done anything to me, he may be a flirt but so am i.

"Good morning." Harry says in his sexy morning voice, sending shivers down my spine, that he noticed and slightly chuckled, i could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. Get a grip Hayley.

"Morning." I whisper back. Harry lightly brushes his fingers over my cheeks, i think i might be as bright as a tomatoe right now. Harry leans towards me and our lips meet. Its soft at first but then it gets more...just more. He pinned me onto my back as he trailed kisses down my neck then back to my lips, just as i thought it may of gone further the bedroom door opened revealing a very shocked Lisa and Louis. well this is awkward.

"But Harry your mine!" Louis shouts out about to rush up to Harry but Lisa stopped him and slapped his arm.

"umm....well im hungry!" I say as i dash out of the room, having to crawl over Harry; who slapped my ass as i went past, i slightly fall off the bed and race down the hall to get to the kitchen to find ALL my V's gone. damn where did kate hide them this time. oh i know its buried in the lettuce. yep i was right, i quickly skull one V, double shot may i add, then i got another double shot of V out and sat down to watch T.V. Just then Lisa walked in with a V in her hands. We look at each other and shout, "bananas!!!" oh god we are weird. We walk into the kitchen and get out everything we are going to need; bananas, strawberries, berries and whipped-cream. We grab the bananas just as 'What Makes You Beautiful' comes on the radio, we use the bananas as mics and sing along to the song, off key may i add. Just at that moment the boys walk in and walk right back out as soon as they see us.

"SABER FIGHT!!" We both scream as we start hitting each other with bananas. Lisa thought it would be funny to put cream on my arm so what do i do? i lick my arm clean.

"omg i have the best idea." i say and i start to whisper my plan to her, she grins and walks to the lounge with me in tow.

we creep up to the boys who werent facing us and were to busy watching something on T.V. At the same time Lisa and i put whipped-cream and fruit on the boys heads, they didnt even notice. we then slowly walk back to the kitchen to hide all evidence. We go and sit on the couch oppisite the boys and notice that they were watching some weird show so i put on 'Dinotopia'.

"OH MY GOD!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!" Lisa squealed as she got comfy and watched the movie.

"Ditto bub." I say as i also get comfy and start to watch the movie

"excuse me but whats on your head?" I ask Harry and Louis. They looked at me weirdly, but hey i wasnt the one with a fruit salade on my head. Louis looked at Harry and picked a strawberry off Harry's head... and eats eat. yuck!

"Oh man do not expect to be able to kiss me any time soon." Lisa said disgusted with her boyfriends behaviour. Louis runs after Lisa as she ran out of the room. Harry reaches up to touch his head.

"What did you put in my hair?" Harry asked as he moved towards me.

"whipped-cream, strawberries, cherries, banana, apple, watermelon, blue-" I was cut off from my little rant when he put the top of his head on my chest and stomach, i gasped as i tried to get him off me but all it did was make him fall on top of me. All the air left my lungs and my breath came in small gasps we slowly moved our heads towards each other...

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