Chapter nine-fights, fights and more...fights?

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Louis's POV

Harry and Hayley wouldn't look at each other. Lisa and i tried to make conversation but they didn't say anything accept for the occasional 'yeah', 'nope', 'na', 'ya'. This is gonna be a fun day, not. Lisa nudged me my stomach.

"Hey that hurt." I say faking hurtness, is that even a word? Well it is now, i think with a smile.

"I'm sure it did." Lisa said as she rolled her dazzling eyes at me. In answer i started to tickle her slightly, small giggles escaped her mouth. Nawwww so cute.

"Where here guys." Hayley and Harry said at the same time. They looked at each other quickly and jumped out of the the same time.

"Stop copying me!" They shout at each the same time.

"No you stop copying me!" That shout once the same time. they bothe shouted in frustration and walked in opposite directions.

"Dudes!" Lisa started to say, "You only suppose to go in one direction." She said as i laughed at her little joke.

"One direction my ass!!" Hayley and Harry shouted as the continued to storm off.

"You go after Hayley and i go after Harry." I tell her, squeezing her hand softly, as we run after our bestfriends. "Man wait up im tired." I complain as i get closer to harry. He didn't slow down one bit. I run and tackle him to the ground, we muck around for a bit and then stop.

"Man, what's wrong?" I ask him being serious for once.

"I kissed her." He said, come again?

"What?" I ask completely shocked.

"When you guys left we kissed and she said "That it never happened"." Harry said.

"That's what she was thinking about before." I say thinking aloud. " Man she'll come around." I say smiling, "No one can resist Harry Styles...except Lisa.' I say to him. He seems to cheer up at this.

"But she is the only girl that has acted that way towards me, I never did anything to her." Harry says turning sad again.

"Come on i'm sure she has calmed down by now." i say hoping Lisa was able to calm her bestfriend down. harry and i make our way towards the beach hut where we could see Hayley and Lisa in deep conversation but when they saw us they stopped speaking and watched us approach. I could feel lisa's eyes on me as i walked, which kinda made me nervouse, mhmm.

"Hey guys." hayley said in her usual cheery voice. Wonder what lisa said to her. hmmm.

Lisa's POV

I quickly sqeezed Louis's hand as i ran after my baby girl, Hayley. A light blush crept onto my cheeks, im really glad Louis wasn't here to see it.

"Hayley bub whats wrong?" I ask her as i sit down next to her at the beach hut.


"Bub saying bad things isn't going to help anything." I tell her truthfully.

"Why couldn't I fall for a nice guy like Louis?" She asks me.

"You have bub, you just havn't given him a chance." I tell her,, her cheeks turn a scarlet colour.

"Why are you blushing?" i ask her confused.

"What? Pfft no, jeeze why would i blush?" She rambles on.

"HAYLEY!!" I say, "What happned in the room this morning?" I ask her just for her face to turn a deeper red.

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