Chapter five-Um...transformer?

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Liam's POV

We all get out of the car and wait around for Kate's friend. Harry was looking for his iPhone that he had only had 10minutes ago, Louis and Lisa were fighting over…carrots? I'm not really sure, Kate was on the phone to her friend; I think trying to find out when she would get here, Zayn and Niall were talking about random stuff; that didn't really interest me, hayley was on her iPhone and had stopped bouncing around; very suspicious; so hopefully she was off her 'V high' and all I did was sit there twiddling my thumbs. I was about to go into 'IGA' when...

"YES!! I got it!!" Hayley said as she started to jump around… again; damn V high is back!! "airplane mode; select." what is she doing?

"Dude I can't find my phone!!" Harry exclaims as he came and sat next to me.

"Where did you last have it?" I asked as I try to remember the last time he had his iPhone. I pretty sure he had it in he car like 10minutes ago, so where could it-

"TRANSFORMER ROLL OUT!!" we all heard Hayley scream as she through…her…iPhone towards a small patch of grass...And then it clicked.

"Uh, Harry?" I didn't know how to say this.

"Yeah." he said a bit distracted by what hayley just did.

"Your iPhone has a yellow cover doesn't it?" I hesitate a little.

"Yeaaaaaah…and??" I waited for him to get it. Wait for it… wait for it…and right about… now!

"OMG THAT'S MY PHONE!!" Harry screamed at no one imperticular. Everyone apart from Hayley looked at him with amused experssions on their faces.

"I could of told you that five minutes ago." Lisa said trying to be all serious.

"That's the shittest transformer ever!!" Hayley whined not noticing Harry advancing towards her. She ran to get Harry's iPhone and said "hehe just a test run."

"Don't through it again!!" Harry wails.

"TRANSFORMER ROLL OUT!!" she said and through it again but at the parking lot this time. It landed not so softly on the concrete "I give up!! Pfft Bumblebee isn't real!!!" Hayley said as she started to break down and fake cry; at least I think she was fake crying...awkward.

"THAT'S MY PHONE!!" Harry screamed as he made his way to his iPhone, "it better not be broken…OMFG!! IT'S FUCKING BROKEN!!" Hayley looked at him with a sad expression on her face that made Harry shut up, we finally found his weakness. mwhahahah.

"Bumblebee isn't real." Hayley said as she jumped into Harry's arms. I thought she didn't like Harry. Hayley let go of Harry to pick up her stuff.

"Come on girls, we're burning this place down!" Hayley said all cheerily, wasn't she just crying?

"But what about One Direction?" Lisa asked in a high pitched voice to match Hayley's.

"Weelllllllllll clearly their gonna burn a lot!" Hayley replied and jumped into some random car that parked in front of us. "SAMMII!!" We all heard Hayley scream. She stuck her head out the window, "Bye guys. Kinda nice to meet you. Ex-oh-ex-oh." After the girls left we all made our way to the car.

"Omg, she cracked the screen." Harry told us.

Hayley POV

I rolled over in the bed I shared with Lisa Last night, of course the lucky bitch still asleep because she wasnt the one who just fell off the bed, no she was the one who pushed me off.

"BITCH!!" i scream at her, a quick glance at the clock showed it was 1pm, well I guess Lisa can get up. I was still half asleep as I made my way towards the lounge/kitchen room.

Put kettle on.

Get cup out.

Place cup on bench.

Put coffee in cup.

Get milk out.

Put hot water in cup.

Put milk in cup.

Leave mess for Kate to clean.

Walk over to couch.

Sit on couch.

Put cup on coffee table.

"Um..." someone said next to me, making me jump a mile. I turn to look at who was next to me, he was very familiar. I just couldn't figure it out. Oh well I found a new pillow.

"yeah, whoever you are don't move coz I'm tired." I say as I put my head on their lap.

"Omg...your so uncomfortable!!" I complain as I get up and sit on another couch. Where yet another familiar person was.

"Take two, whoever you are don't move coz I'm tired." and with that I fell asleep at 1ish in the afternoon.

Transformer's, Carrot's, V's And A Little Love -Harry Styles Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now