Chapter fourteen- Concert Suprise

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Heyy guys :)

I know it's been forever since I updated this story but it has become hard for me to have ideas for this story, so this will be the final chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writting it.

Rose Xx


Harry's POV

I walked back and forth in the small room. Only Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn were with me because the girls went to get their seats.

"Dude, Calm down." Louis said to me for the hundredth time. Calm down? How can I calm down? I haven't been more nervous in my life.

"Boys' your up." An old bald guy came in as he showed us to the stage. The five of us ran onto the stage and the crowd erupted into cheers. There were all sorts of people here. Some were rather young, some even old. Some girls' shirts had the usual stuff like 'I love Louis Tomlinson' or 'Harry Styles <3' but one shirt stood out of the crowd...only because i would know that person anywhere. Hayley's shirt said 'Will You Be The Harry To My Louis??< 3'.

"Hey everyone!" Liam shouted into the mic, our fans went nuts.

"How are you doing this fine night?" Louis asked. The crowd shouted.

"The first song we will sing is What makes you beautiful.. Is everyone ok with that?" Niall asked looking over the crowd.

After we played a few songs it was finally time.

"Ok guys before we start the last song of the night i would just like to say, that Harry wrote this for a certain someone and we hope she knows who she is." Niall said causing me to blush.

"If she didn't, she would be rather stupid." Louis joked into the mic as he winked at me. The crowd started to laugh and I noticed Hayley blushing.The music started and Liam started the song.

"The light shines, it’s getting hot on my shoulder. I don’t mind this time, it doesn’t matter. Cause your friends, they look good but you look better. Don’t you know all night, I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round." Liam finished singing. My turn.

"Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart, with just one look. When I saw your face, I fell in love. It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah. I waited for a girl like you." I sung making sure i didn't stuff up. The boys sung softly in the background.

"I’m weaker, my worlds fall and they hit the ground. Oh life, come on head, don’t you fail me now. I start to say ‘I think I love you’ but I make no sound. You know cause all my life, I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come around." Liam sung whilst doing a few small dance moves. I felt extremely nervous.

"Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart, with just one look. When I saw your face, I fell in love. It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah. I waited for a girl like you." I repeated. The boys sung softly in the background.

"There is no other place that I would rather be, than right here with you tonight. As we lay on the ground I put my arm around you and we can stay here tonight. ‘Cause there’s so much that I wanna say. I wanna say." Zayn sung.

"Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart, with just one look. When I saw your face, I fell in love. It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah. I waited for a girl like you. Waited for a girl like," I sung as i jumped off the styage and stood in front of Hayley, "you!" I finished as I took her small wrist and dragged her onto the stage. The crowd was cheering and wolf whistling.

"What are you doing, Harry?" hayley whisper asked me.

"Doing something i should of a long time ago." I whisper back. "Hayley I love you." I say onto the mic. The whole crowd is dead silent and holding their breaths, i know i am. Hayley stars at me, not saying anything.

Hayley's POv

"Hayley, I love you." Harry said into the mic. What?! oh my god! and here i was thinking all he was doing was playing me but he actually cares...and he wrote a song! That's too cute. I jump on him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." I say just before i kiss him.. The crowd erupted into cheers and a lot of wolf-whistles were heard. We broke apart and i rested my head on his chest.

'Hey why does Hayley get all the fun?" I heard Lisa ask as Louis makes his way to her.

"You mean this fun?" Louis asks before kissing her. Of course Liam goes to Kate, Niall goes to Sammii and Zayn goes to Gemma. Naw one big happy family.

"Lisa, i think i might like it here." i say to my bestfriend who has always been there for me.

"You know what Hayley, for once i think your right." Lisa says as she sticks her tongue out at me. I turn back to Harry and notice he was staring at me. I could feel i blush rise to my cheeks. Harry lead me off stage and into a private room.

"Hayley," Harry began, down on one knee. "This isn't a proposal ring but it's a promise ring. One day i want you to be my wife; I want to wake up every morning with you by my side." Harry continued to ramble. He was so cute when he rambled. His curly hair fell into his face. i got down on my knees and faced him.

"Yes." I whispered.


remember guys this is the last chapter and thanks for all the support i got from fellow directionars. You guys are awesome :)<3 Xx

Rose Xx

ps let me know if i should do a sequel or not. Xx

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