Chapter two-SUPRISE!!

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Harry's POV

"Anything is better then working for you and living in the basement." I heard someone yell as I left the restroom . I quickly made my way to our table but I knocked into someone's back making them drop a tray of drinks.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," I rushed helping the girl up off the ground. I looked at her and she looked awfully familiar and then...BAM...

it clicked she's the girl from the concert. You know the one who won't get out of my head, the one who's beauty has left me shaken, yeah this is the girl who was the cause for my sleepless night.

"It's ok, I should have been watching where i was going but I was a bit distracted on getting over to where your friends were," she said frowning as if someone wasn't there.

"May I ask why?" I asked eyeing where the boys were curiously.

"Oh yeah, my friend was getting their orders when our boss went off at her," she muttered looking down at her feet.

"Hey, don't get upset we will ask the boys what happened and then go talk to your friend," I smiled at her.

"I'm Hayley," she hesitated and slightly smiled back and we made our way to the table.

"Hey Lou," I said sliding onto the beach leaving enough room for Hayley to squeeze in.

"Who's this?" he asked me looking to Hayley and smiling. She gave a weak smile back and I put my hand on hers to show her I was there. I felt a electric feeling run up my arm and surge through my whole body, Hayley glanced at me but went back to asking Louis what had happened. She was acting rather cool about meeting One Direction.

"Excuse me boys but I really must go see if she is ok," Hayley said unconsciously squeezing my hand quickly before standing up.

"Could we maybe come and see her?" Niall spoke up.

Hayley's POV

"Actually I think she would like that," I said smiling to Niall and leading the way to the basement. I cant believe it is One Direction but I had other matters far more important than going all fan girl on Harry styles and his overly large ego. I slowly opened the door, pushing the fact that One Direction was behind me to the back of my head, to reveal Lisa curled up on one of our beds, I think it was Kate's, I pulled the blanket off her head. To my shock there was a dark blue bruise on her cheek.

"She hits hard for an old dragon," Lisa muttered not even moving her eyes from the far wall. I slightly chuckled at her failed attempt to be sarcastic.

"What happened out there?" I asked sitting on her bed and looking at the same wall trying to figure out what she was looking at.

"I'm going, back out there." She pointed at the wall that separated us from outside. The boys and I followed to where she pointed.

"I have a question," Louis spoke up from the floor where he sat.

"uhh, ok," she mumbled sitting up.

"Did she do that to your back?" he asked and she pulled her blanket up around her shoulder and sat on the ground near the bed.

"Yeah," she simply replied. Kate walked in and froze at the sight of Lisa.

"what happened?!" she frantically whined, wtf, why is she whining?

"CRAZY DRAGON LADY FUCKING SLAPED HER!!!" I shouted, as the fact that Lisa had been hit sunk into my brain, what can i say im slow, so loud that everyone flinched but I wasn't paying much attention because I was already half way up the stairs. She is so dead! No one touches my girls and gets away with it. Regina ( aka crazy Dagon lady) was pushing the final customers of the day out of the store. Oh she is dead!!!

Harry's POV

"CRAZY DRAGON LADY FUCKING SLAPED HER!!!" Hayley screamed as she practically ran up the stairs, most likely looking dor 'Crazy Dragon Lady'.

I don't really know the girls but there is something about them that makes me want to be there for them. At the moment Hayley was making her way towards who I presume is her boss, I don't think this is going to end well.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? YOU CAN'T JUST GO AND FUCKING HIT WHOEVER YOU WANT!!" Hayley screamed at the chubby old lady, who might I add had a huge smirk across her face.

"Oh you want to make a bet? I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me." the lady said in her nose voice. Lisa quickly, yet painfully, made her way up the stairs to restrain hayley who was about to punch 'crazy dragon lady' as they liked to call her.

"If Lisa wasn't holding me back I would so end up strangling you and there's nothing YOU could do about it!!" Hayley turned towards Lisa and whispered something in her ear that sounded a lot like "just once, please?"

"Alright but just once." Kate said coming to stand next to the girls. A big grin spread across her face as she walked up to the old bag. Now either I'm not to good at maths or Hayley hit the women more than once. Lisa and Kate ran up to Hayley and struggled to pull her back.

"HAYLEY!!" Kate whined, what is with her and whining?? "I said you could hit her once." Hayley slightly giggled, naw how cute, I couldn't help but smile and of course Louis being louis noticed what I was smiling at, crap!! He will never shut up. My train of thought was interrupted by a high pitched screech.

"No!! You broke my nail." the ex-boss bellowed in rage… a few minutes past and no one said anything, all hayley did was smirk at her handy work.

"OUT!!! You five boys need to leave now, it's closing time." Pfft…if she thought we were leaving she had another thing coming.…And the next thing we knew was the harsh coldness of wind... Outside.

"what do we do now?" Zayn asked no one.

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