Chapter twelve-Obstacles

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Lisa's POV

I quickly said goodbye to Louis and followed Hayley into the bathroom.

" I can't believe those sla-" Hayley started but i covered her mouth with my hands.

"Language young lady." I tell her, "Ewwwww!" I exclaim as Hayley licks my hand.

"EWWWW, you taste nasty!!" She says in return as she brushes her teeth.

"Fair enough, what do you think they were doing here?" I ask her as i clean up my cuts and scratches i got from that stupid eliizabeth's rings. After we got cleaned up i got changed into a Purple skinny jeans,  a black tank top and black and silver high tops. Hayley put on fluoro yellow skinny jeans, black off the shoulder top and black knee-high converses'. Hayley walked out of the bathroom only to be knocked down by Harry who fell down on top of her.

"watch were you are going!" Harry exclaimed.

"Your the fucking idiot who ran into me." Hayley said getting pissed off. CRAP!!

"I'm not an idiot." Harry said standing up, leaving Hayley on the floor. Louis came over to me with a guilty look on his face.

"What did you do?" I ask him crossing my arms.

"Me and Harry were just goofing arounf and Harry was running away from me." Louis said as we watched our two bestfriends shoot insults at each other.

"ERRRR and to think i was starting to like you!!" Hayley said as she stormed off and out the front door.

"Sh-she..." harry trailed off in his on thoughts as he went and watched t.v.

"Oh god, just when we were about to ask you girls to come on the tour with us." Louis said.

"NAWWW, your gonna ask us to go on tour with you guys?" I ask Louis. Louis blushed slightly.

"well there goes the suprise." He said as he started to kiss me. "Wait...will you come on the Australia tour with me and my boys?" he asked as he trailed kisses over my jaw.

"uh ... mhmmm ... vós ... sim." I mumble, he stops and looks at me.

"I don't understand that...those words." he said and he sarted to kiss my jaw again.

"Yes." i was finally able to breath out and Louis chuckled causing me to blush. "Well i better start making dinner." I say as i slip out of Louis's arms.


"DINNER'S READY!!" I scream out, Harry and Louis came to the table.

"Looks good." Harry said and started to eat my famous pizzas.

"Thanks babe." Louis says as he quickly gave me a kiss and started to eat.

"Where is Hayley?" I ask the boys. Harry's fist clenched but didn't say anything.

"Right here." Hayley said coming in the front door, "And im not hungry." She said as she made her way to the bedroom.

"You never pass my pizzas." I say shocked.

"Well im not hungry...i...already ate?" She said more of a question.

"Hayley come and eat something." I say acting like Kate.

"No i'm fine, i'm just going to shower and go to bed." She says and quickly walks to the room, after glancing at Harry.

"well...this is good food." Louis says as he shoves pizza into his mouth.

"Your a pig." I say, distracted by Hayley. After dinner finished i did the dishes and went to a movie.

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