Chapter ten-Languages

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Hayley's POV

Whilst Louis and Harry, who by the way still had no shirt on; yummy, were still confused, i had a great idea to make them even more confused.

"Vamos falar em Português." I tell Lisa. (Let's speak in Portuguese.) Her eyes lit up and a huge smile made it's way to her face.

"oh meu deus, Louis e Harry vai ser tão confuso." Lisa said full of excitement. (oh my god, Louis and Harry will be so confused.)

"Esse é o plano." i tell her gaining weird looks from Harry and Louis, my plan is working already.

"What?" Harry asks me.

"Yay meu plano está funcionando, vamos falar sobre Harry e Louis, todos eles vão entender é os seus nomes." I say to Lisa with an evil grin spreading across my face. (Yay my plan is working, let's talk about Harry and Louis, all they will understand is their names.)

"Oh meu deus, sim." Lisa agrees. (Oh my god, yes).

"What are they saying?" Harry asks Louis.

"She said my name! What did you say about me?" Louis asks hyperventalating(sp?).

"Ian Somerhalder é a maneira mais quente do que Harry, eu quero dizer vamos lá você tem visto o seu abs? E nem sequer tentar discutir comigo sobre isso." I say to her. (Ian Somerhalder is way hotter than Harry, i mean come on have you seen his abs? And don't even try and argue with me on that.)

"sim, sim. Louis é tão quente." Lisa said making me laugh. (yes,yes. Louis is so damn hot.).The boys kept asking us what we were saying but we ignored them.

"O que quer que flutua seu cabra." i tell her. (Whatever floats your goat.)

"Louis flutua minha cabra." Lisa tells me.(Louis floats my goat.). I was now on the floor laughing.

"Oh meu deus! Você está me matando. Devo admitir, Harry tem algumas abs muito bom aspecto. E ele é um kisser bom pra caralho." I tell her making her laugh this time. (Oh my god! You're killing me. I must admit, Harry has got some pretty good looking abs. And he is a fucking great kisser).

"They keep saying out names." Louis says to Harry as he sits down.

"I know right." Harry says in reply.

"Louis é mais quente do que Harry." Lisa says, Oh yell no she did not just go there!(Louis is hotter than Harry.)

"Não, Louis é mais agradável do que Harry, mas Harry é definitivamente mais quente." I tell her, regretting it instantly. (No, Louis is more enjoyable than Harry, but Harry is definitely hotter.)

"OMG i knew you liked him, it wasn't just my imagination." Lisa blurted out.

"What? Pfft na..." I say, "no, no, no, NO." I say more to myself.

"You said, pfffft." Lisa said to me.

"What does pfffft mean?" Harry and Louis asked at the same time.

"She says pffft when-" Lisa started.

"NOOO, don't tell them!!" I demand.

"She is lying." lisa finishes. That little bitch.

"Você porra cadela, eu juro por Deus eu vou rasgar seu sinsides com uma colher, eu pensei que você é minha melhor amiga. Você é bom para nada burro burro mal!" I yell at her, not meaning any of it. (You fucking bitch, i swear to god i will rip your sinsides out with a spoon, I thought you are my bestfriend. You good for nothing evil donkey arse!!)

"You don't mean that." Lisa said through fits of giggles.

"Whatever let's go home, im tierd." I say and pretended to yawn.

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