Chapter four- :O a V

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Hayley's POV

Omfgjxhxbdnsidnsjsisjdndndndhdndbsbddbeiskansjwoshcbchdnelandb!!!! Harry Styles is such a jerk. All he cares about is who he is going to lay next. I was Interrupted from my thoughts when Louis fell through a fence because he was trying to get Lisa's carrots that were in my bag…speaking of bag, I have a V in there. As I'm grabbing it out one Kate gives me one of her 'I don't approve of that, young lady!' looks that scare the shit out of me. But you know what I'm 18 I can do whatever I want!!

"Care to share?" I hear the annoying accent come out of Harry's mouth, just as I'm about to finish the last sip.

"Um… I guess you could have some…" I say as I hand over the EMPTY bottle of V.

"ha suck you fell for it.!" I say in his face. He grumbled stuff about being selfish and mean under his breath but I heard it. "what the hell crawled up your ass and died?" I asked shooting him a deadly glare, if looks could kill. I didn't expect him to reply but…

"What are you? Bipolar?" He snapped, and he was suppose to be the happy one of the group... Awkward.

"Oh shut up you faggot!!" I yelled at him.

"A WHAT??" he screeched at me, the whole group were just staring at me and him now. Oh I know what to say... Smiles evilly.

"A faggot Harry, and a thumping good one I'd wager, once your trained up a little." I said keeping a straight face while everyone attempted to but failed.

Harry's POV

"A faggot Harry, and a thumping good one I'd wager, once your trained up a little." Hayley said with a smile on her adorable face. Ok. I couldn't help by laugh at that.

"Where are you guys headed?" Liam asked Kate, I think he has a thing for her.

"To a friends place… on the other side of town." Kate whined, enough with the whining already!!!

"Did you need a lift?" Liam offered as he lightly touched her shoulder.

"Can we have a lift to IGA?" Hayley asked, not taking her eyes off her phone. What's an IGA?

"What's IGA?" Niall asked the girls. The girls slowly looked at him.

"A supermarket, shop, a place to get groceries, a building full of food, where you get V from…" Hayley continued to rumble on until Lisa put her hand over Hayleys mouth to shut her up.

"Um…ok, any who's…sure we will take you there just tell us the way." Zayn said as he started walking to the car, this is going to be a tight squeeze, a seven seated car and eight people. After putting all the girls stuff into the car we all climbed in except Hayley and Lisa. Who were fighting over who got the last seat.

"you could always sit on my lap." I hinted to Hayley, which made her more determined to get the spare seat.

"I will do your washing for a whole week!!" Hayley exclaimed.

"mhmmmm…let think about that…NO!!" Lisa said as she made a dash for the seat.

"Fine I'll walk." Hayley pouted as she started walking up the street.

"And I will drink your V." Lisa replied smugly, reaching into Hayleys bag and got out a V.

"Noooo, not the V." Hayley practically jumped into my lap as she grabbed her V from Lisa's clutches, and skulled it down within seconds.

"LISA!!" Kate screamed at her friend, "She already had a double shot of V today!!" Lisa's face paled along with Kate's.

"Sorry to break the moment, but why are you guys talking-" Liam started.

"screaming." Zayn injected.

"Sorry, 'screaming' about?" Liam finshed, but before the girls replied I could immediately tell that Hayley got high on V. She was jumping up and down on me, which wasn't helping me if you know what I mean.

"V high!!" Lisa squeaked and Kate whined at the same time. The boys looked a bit confused because the didn't know what they were on about.

"um… ok then so where are we-" Louis was cut off by Hayley

"where's my twenty bucks Lisa?" she's said in a high pitched voice. Lisa said something like 'rararararara' ok then.

"I want my twenty bucks, Lisa!" Hayley said as she continued to jump on me. Lisa replied with another 'rarara'.

"guys shut up!"k Kate said to them, and then said to Lisa "your just encouraging her bad behavior."

"Sorry ill be good…" Lisa said as she munched on a carrot. I could hear Lisa say 'raraara' softly so that Kate wouldn't hear.

Lisa's POV

Hayley was on yet another V high. At the moment she was reciting short stack parodies to herself. I was sitting in the front seat next to LOUIS as he is the driver. As I was in the middle if telling Louis the directions to IGA we heard a slight moan come out of Harry's mouth, I then noticed that Hayley had been jumping up and down on Harry. Hayley slowly turned to him and said in her serious Jack Sparrow voice.

"it looks like the one that wants to do the wanting suddenly wants to be wanted by a different wanting that has a want of wanting that has never been wanted for the sake of wantness, aye!!"

"That's a bruise to the ego right there," I said laughing at Harry's scrunched up face. Everyone laughed at that but we're soon distracted from Hayley jumping up and down on harry again, his face was priceless. I quickly got my camera out of my bag and took a picture of the two 'love birds' sitting there annoying the crap out of each other. They almost looked like an old married couple minus the oldness and the married part and the couple part...for now.

"Honey!! Have you seen my gameboy anywhere? I've been looking all friggin afternoon for it! And I can't bloody well find it mate!" Hayley said as she taped me on the shoulder. Haha I see what she wants to do.

"Na haven't seen it mate." I replied in a deep voice.

"But I wanna play Pokemon." Hayley whined in a high pitch voice.

"Do you think I look like a business man in this?" I asked in my deep voice again as i started showing her my totally not business clothes.

"your not listening you little bugger!!"

"your a little bugger."

"oh err your a little bugger!! Ee"

"your a little bugger… your a bloody dick head." I said, "and I hid you gameboy coz you play to much Pokemon." everyone was looking at us weirdly, but I don't care beca-

"OMFG!!" Hayley screamed in Louise's ear, "YOU DROVE PAST IGA!!!" Louis jumped and hit his head on the roof of the car. As we finally made it into the car park, I could see from the corner of my eye Hayley pulling out her hand from Harry's pocket along with his iPhone. Oh god hayley!! We all got out of the car and...

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