Chapter three-My Carrot's

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Kate's POV

Hayley shouldn't of hit her so many times, I said once so what does she do? Hits her multiply times.

"You three will be out of here in five minutes!!" Regina spoke before walking off.

"She better give me my pay." hayley said but I highly doubt it after her stunt. We quickly went down to our room to pack all our stuff.

"Where are we going…" Lisa was cut off by my phone ringing; it was Gemma.

"Hey Gem, what's up?" I said as i answered my phone.

"nothing much I was just wondering if you would like to stay the night…so, do you wanna stay the night?" she said while slightly giggling.

"I would love to but can I ask you a small favor?" I asked as she simply ' mhmmmmed' "can myself, Lisa and Hayley be able to stay with you for a while?…we kinda got kicked out." I said while forcing s laugh to come out at the end.

"Sure!! You guys can stay as long as you like" I could just picture her with a big grin on her face right now. We said our goodbyes and hung up. "Girls!! We are staying at Gemma's place for awhile."


We slowly make our way outside, carrying all our stuff, preparing ourselves for the long walk to Gemma's. As hayley was saying "Are we there yet?" for the tenth time when we hadn't even been walking for five minutes.

"Omg! We have only just left the shop, how could we possibly be there yet?" Lisa said adn punched Hayley on the arm. 

"owww! That hurt you beeeeep beep beeeeeeep beep beeep." She whined, and i thought i had a whining problem.

"Are we there yet?" Hayley asked just as she smashed into something hard and fell onto her ass. Lisa and I laughed at her own stupidity and were soon joined by five more people laughing.

Louis's POV

Us guys decided to wait for the girls to see if they needed a place to stay. After about ten minutes a small figure made its way through the door of the Gumtree saying "Are we there yet?"

"Omg! We have only just left the shop, how could we possibly be there yet?" Lisa said as she punched Hayleys arm.

"owww! That hurt you beeeeep beep beeeeeeep beep beeep." Hayley said whilst running in our direction leaving her stuff for the other two girls to get. "Are we there yet?" Hayley asked yet again not looking where she was going so she smashed into Harry knocking her off her feet. Everyone started laugh… well except for her.

"If you wanted to be in my arms that badly all you had to do was ask, not kiss my feet." Harry said to Hayley offering her a hand to help her up. From the corner of my I saw Lisa slit her throat with her finger.

"WHAT!" Hayley shouted from the ground slapping Harry's hand out of the way, "you honestly think I would want to be any where near you? Keep dreaming Sir Curly!!" and with that Hayley did some flip thing that made her stand up really quickly. Harry, Harry, Harry, when will you learn?

"Every girl wants to be near me." Harry replied smugly, what an idiot!!

"OMFG!! What species are you? You talk about girls like there a scrape of meat!!" Hayley said walking closer towards him with every word.

"See, you can't resist me!" Harry said smugly. Hayley did this evil little smile/smirk/grin thing. She moved even closer to Harry, IF THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE!!

"Your right Harry I can't resist doing this to you." and with that she tripped him over. We all started laughing.

"HAYLEY I need your assistance over here," Lisa yelled, drawing everyone's attention to her. In the faint light I could see a pink tinge rising up her cheek at the unwanted attention. "What do you need s**t?" hayley skipped over to Lisa. "I need you to put these in your bag pretty please," she begged pulling a few bags of carrots from behind her back. "Oh my god CARROTS," I squealed in a girly voice and running for Lisa. First she was in shock but she quickly turned and ran down the dimly light street. I chased after her more because I wanted her and not the carrots. She squealed as I lightly grabbed her shirt, she spun around in my grip and ran as fast as she could to hayley. Before I could make it back to them the carrots were safely in hayleys bag. I started using my ninja skills to skillfully and sneakily make my way towards Hayles bag but before I could get any further I fell through a hedge wall landing in a massive heap.

"well this is embarrassing!" I cried out, turning them into crazy hysterical sobs.

"oh poor baby!! Would you like some help up?" Lisa asked putting her hand out so I could get up.

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