Chapter 2- Mystery Girl (Edited)

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Picture of Ace above^


"Just one stop! I'm fucking starving back here. Xander ate all the snacks and the leftovers," Hugh shouts out from the backseat. I eye him from my rear view mirror as he moves to sit back, folding his arms.

I grunt and decide to ignore him as I continue to drive. Fucking child. No doubt, he can find something to eat when we get back to the compound.

"Shut up, Hugh," Xander pipes in from the front seat. "Don't bitch at me when you eat all the food in my damn kitchen. Now we can just call it even."

I roll my eyes and grip the steering wheel as they continue to bicker. I didn't know I had two children as my fucking passengers in this car. Definitely surprised these assholes don't need car seats. I shake my head and reach back to throw a penny at Hugh, shutting them up.

"Shut the fuck up! Both of you." I spot a diner a mile ahead and decide I should pull over and feed them before we end up in a wreck. "We'll eat here before we head home. I'm hungry anyways," I say, pulling into the parking lot.

If I didn't need them, I'd have pulled over earlier to let them share a bullet. Instead, I decided against it seeing as they were two of my best friends. I couldn't run my Mafia without them.

My mafia.

I shake my head just thinking about it.

I've been in the game officially since high school. Everything I've learned since I was 5 was to prepare me to be the leader this Mafia needed when the time had come. Freshman year was when the 'time' had arrived and the position was passed down to me. That meant I had to be ruthless. I had to be fearless. Cautious with everything and anything I do.

My friends, Hugh, Xander, and Troy, were my right hand men. I entrusted everything to them.

Hugh and Troy just happened to be brothers. Xander and I had met them in middle school, 5th grade, when Troy had punched me in the face for shoving Hugh. I chuckle at the memory.

They shared the same jet black hair, silver eyes, and tall build. Though Troy was the oldest and the more mature one out of the two. Hugh was the younger brother, or the goofball, out of the pair. Troy had joined me shortly after I'd taken over and, since their parents had died in a fatal car accident years before, Hugh had followed. I knew Troy had thought this was the only way for them to stay together and I couldn't blame him. The foster system was shit. Who knows what they could've been going through right about now.

As for Xander, he's been my best friend since kindergarten. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slim, but muscular build. He was the 'playboy', or the man whore, out of the group. If you weren't the latest bitch he was fucking, he was either beating the shit out of you or talking enough shit that he knew his hands could definitely cash out.

"I see someone is in no rush to get home to Vicki," Xander says, placing his hand on my shoulder as he falls in step beside me, walking to the entrance.

Vicki wasn't anything important. She was just one of the ways I'd come to use as a stress reliever. She was a slut with a big mouth that always ended up talking my ear off, but I kept her around because the bitch was willing. After the days I'd have, coming home to a hole to fill and no commitment was all I needed. She knew we'd never be anything real and I wanted to keep it that way. Still, I'd started to realize when she'd begun to look for more in our 'relationship'.

"Don't play dumb. I look at her as nothing more than a piece of ass. She's not my fucking wife and you know that, X," I said, keeping my face passive as we get near the door.

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