Chapter 8- So Much Trouble (Edited)

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Picture of Jace above^


After Xander and I had left the Underground and went our separate ways, I called Hugh to check up on any new information he'd gathered while in Mexico. The recon mission he'd been sent on was to find out why and how Marcus had left Mexico. I figured it'd bring us a step closer as to what he's after. Why he's back.

"Yo," he answered.


I hear a crunch sound over the microphone and wait patiently until Hugh's loud chewing dims enough for him to respond.

"Nothing important yet. I found the hole he's been staying in. If you could even call it that." Another crunch sound and more chewing. "The motel he was hiding in is in Cartel territory. I heard a rumor they've been searching for him for the past two weeks."


"Don't know yet. But I'm meeting with Carillo tomorrow morning. Reyes' right hand man. I'm hoping he can tell me what happened."

"Reyes? As in, Reyes Salerno," I state.

Crunch, Crunch, Chew. "That's right. King of the Cartel."

I pull into my drive way and shut the car off as I step out, walking up to the door. "How'd you set that up."

"I didn't. They found me." At that, I pause.

"Be careful, Hugh. I don't have a truce with the Cartel just yet and I'm not going to risk your life for information on Marcus."

Hugh chuckles. "Don't worry, Boss. They couldn't hold me if they locked me in a steel box and melted the key."

I shake my head. "From now on, I want checkups from you every 4 hours until you get back. Call me immediately after you speak with Carillo."

"Sir, yes sir," He mocks.

I hang up just as I'm walking in to the kitchen to find Jace and Lillian sitting at the counter. Two glasses of milk and a cookie jar sat in front of them as they ate. I drop my keys on the counter when Lillian meets my gaze.

"Nightmare," she mouths.

I sigh and nod as I grab my own cup. Jace says nothing, doesn't even bother to look up at me, as I pour my own milk. He's quietly nibbling on the cookie in his hand when I move to sit beside him.

"It happened again?" I ask.

His little head nods as he plays with his glass. Lillian rubs his back soothingly, once again meeting my gaze above his small form. A look of sadness and pity can be seen on her face and I know the only thing she wants to do is hug him tight.

The only reason she doesn't is because, knowing Jace, even at his age he isn't open to that kind of motherly contact from anyone. We've all learned the hard way that he doesn't care for it.

"Jace." He peeks up at me from the corner of his eye, mindlessly biting away at his snack. "It was only a dream. You remember what I said about dreams?"

"Can't hwurt me," he mumbles.

I nod. "It can't hurt you. It won't hurt you. I won't let it."

"You pwo...pwotect me," he says, more sure of himself.

I give him a lazy smile and lay my hand on his head as he stares up at me. "Yes. I'm protecting you. Always."

His gloomy face relaxes and his toothless grin takes over at my reassurance. He says nothing and happily finishes his cookie. Lillian and I share a look before we help him finish, talking aimlessly about their day at the park.

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