Chapter 6- Mystery Girl Revealed (Edited)

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Picture of Hugh above^


I watched in both curiosity and fascination as she walked away from our booth, my eyes lingering too long on her ass before it disappeared. I tried not to, but it was easy for me to realize that our waitress wouldn't be returning anytime soon. Instead, she'd been replaced by the owners son who made it a point to stop by our table to 'check' on us.

I'd ignored him and thought back to the strange waitress. It'd be the second time I was both captured and confused by the brunette and I didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing.

The bruise on her nose was suspicious and, right away, I could tell she was lying to me. I've been in the game long enough to know a fucking phone couldn't do that much damage unless it was purposely smashed into her skull. So despite all the bullshit she fed me, I still wondered how she got it.

That was the best excuse she could come up with?

The owners son, Wes I believe, walked towards our table with a tray of food in his hands. He leaned down to slide our plates in front of us as he gave us a wide smile.

"Here you go. One stack of waffles and one Jumbo meal." It was too fucking early for his enthusiasm so I said nothing and grunted in appreciation as I slapped some hot sauce onto my plate. "Enjoy."

He turns to leave and I randomly decide it's never too early to be nosy. Curiosity killed the cat. "Where's the girl who was serving us before?"

He paused, giving me a look and continues slowly, cautiously. "She felt sick." His eyes narrow. "May I ask why, sir?"

I tilt my head at him and give him a blank stare. This little shit doesn't know who he's talking to.

"I find it unprofessional that she'd leave the workplace so suddenly, considering she still had customers to tend to. Besides, if she's sick, as you yourself put it, doesn't that mean she's contaminated my meal?" I replied. I knew I was being a dick, I just didn't care. In that moment, I was more annoyed at the fact that I wouldn't see her again.

Though I'd never admit that shit out loud.

"I apologize on behalf of my employee, sir." I go to speak, but stop short when he continues. "But if I may reassure you, she'd never leave without good reason. Frankly, I find that it's none of your business. I appreciate the concern, but as you are still being fed and catered to, the only thing I'm required to ask is if that'd be all for you today?"

My eyes narrow up at him and I'm almost taken aback when his do the same in return. I manage to give him a curt nod as I scowl at his leaning frame. His wide grin returns and he picks up the tray, shoving it under his arm. "Fantastic. Please enjoy."

He turns just as I hear a chime from my phone and I wait until he's out of earshot before pulling it out. He's not getting a tip.

I glance over at Jace just as I was opening the text and find him eating away at his waffles, a big smile on his face. The little runt had woken me up with a pillow smack early in the morning just to have breakfast.

He's lucky he was cute.

When I threw out the idea of me cooking, his nose scrunched up in disgust until we both agreed it'd be better just to eat out. I didn't want to risk burning down my house. I happened to like where I live.

The text was from Johnny. He didn't have much to say, but it was all the confirmation I needed.

Tonight. She'll fight first.

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