Chapter 9- The Offer (Edited)

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I woke up today feeling better than I'd had in years. For the first time since the day my mother had walked into my room- drunk and high off her ass- where she'd introduced her creepy boyfriend to me, I'd actually slept like a baby.

For once, the nightmares hadn't plagued the dark spaces of my mind, and for once, I was grateful. If I had to endure being in the presence of Ace and god knows who else, then I needed all of my energy for today.

Crawling out of bed, I made sure to wash up first before getting dressed for the day. I'd thrown on a pair of black jogging tights, a Nike shirt, and my converse. I wanted to be comfortable in case something happened and I'd have to put up a fight. No one wants their ass crack out while they're defending themselves.

I let my hair trickle down my back in it's natural curly waves. Today would be a simple look, so I put on a bit of mascara with some eye liner and lip gloss. Once I was happy with my appearance, I grabbed my keys and decided I'd stop by the diner for a bit while I waited to hear from Ace.

If he didn't send me an address some time today, he could give up on trying to convince me about anything. I wasn't going to sit by and wait for him like a lapdog. I've got too much pride for that.

I step into the diner and see it filled with customers and employees alike. Today, another coworker of mine had filled my shift and I spotted him as soon I'd walked in, heading towards me. Eyes that were once on the pad in his hand now shifted up to me and I watch as a small smile appears on his sharp features.

"What's up, Jules," Francis says, giving me a fist bump as we head behind the counter.

"How's it going so far?" I pick up a mug and pour myself some coffee as he tends to a customer in front of us.

He shrugs, but doesn't let our conversation stop him from doing his job. "So far, so good. Just another day, same as yesterday."

I tilt my head at him and smile as he picks up an order at the window. "Very poetic." He laughs and throws his hand up- index and pinky finger sticking out.

I sip my cup. "Has Candy made it in yet? Or is she fashionable late as always."

He chuckles and moves to refill my mug for me. "She's outback with Wesley. Surprisingly, she made it in on time."

I giggle and stand, heading to the back as I shoot him a look. "Surprisingly."

Francis shoots me one more smile before the swinging doors shut off his figure from view completely. I shout out a greeting towards Roy who, of course, stands in his usual spot at the stove. I don't bother to stop and make conversation, though I make it a point to check up on him later.

I head out back to find Candy and Wesley unloading a truck full of frozen goods. Candy is loading the boxes onto a trolley as Wesley walks in and out of the open trailer, carrying one or two boxes at time. They're talking mindlessly as I walk over and lean against the back.

"So this is how you two are spending your morning." I greet them.

Candy squeals and rushes over to give me a short squeeze as Wesley shrugs from up top. He hops down from the back and stretches his shoulders out when Candy and I pull apart.

She has her apron on over a white knitted top and black jeans that hang off her hips, flashing a peek of skin. Wesley has on a white button down that's rolled up at the sleeves, sporting dark fitted jeans just beneath it. It clings to his skin just a bit and I watch as he wipes the sweat off his brow with a lift of his arm.

He gives me a high five and a big grin. "More or less. It's a bit of hard work, you know."

Candy snorts from behind him. "You're one to talk. I'm the one who actually does this every morning."

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