Chapter 28- Shopping Spree

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"Troy! Get your fat ass off me!" I yelled, trying to pull myself out from under him.

"Nope. Not until you give me what I want," he said, looking smug.

I was laying down with my back against the bed as Troy hovered above me, his body nudged between my legs as he held my wrists together on the pillow above me.

"No. Now, get off me, you buffoon!"

I tried to wiggle one of my legs out from under him so I could have both my legs on one side, but unintentionally brushed my thigh against something hard. Something deliciously hard.

He groaned above me, shutting his eyes as his breathing became ragged.

"Baby," he said, his voice husky.

I decided to tease him a little bit or just enough to distract him.

I ran my leg over that same spot again. Since he slept in just his boxers, and I in silk shorts with a silk tank top, I didn't have to use my imagination as to what was inside because I've already seen it.

He growled, opening his eyes to let his now dark and clouded ones meet mine.

"Mmm, it feels good," I whisper, biting my bottom lip seductively.

He groaned again. "Don't tease me, babe."

"Tease you? Now, why would I want to do that?" I smiled innocently up at him.

He bent his head, leaving little space between us as his lips started to touch mine.

Feeling his hands loosen on my wrists, I took the chance to hurry and slip out from under him and run inside the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"Damn it, Stace!" I heard him yell.

I couldn't help, but double over in laughter, sinking to the floor with my back against the door.

"Y-you actually fe-fell for it!" I said through the door, trying to get the words out.

"Oh, you wait until you get out here. You can't stay in there forever." I can tell he was now standing right outside the door. "I'll finish what you started, baby. And trust me, when I'm finished with you, you won't be able to walk for a week."

I shivered at words, feeling a tingling sensation in my lower area, causing me to press my legs together.

"Is that a promise?" I said through the door.

I heard a groan and a thud, indicating he just put his head against the door.

"I swear, you make so crazy," I heard him mutter.

Standing up, I opened the door to find him with both his arms propped against the doorway.

He looked up and flashed me one of his heart stopping smiles that won me over the first time we met.

He was the playboy. The most arrogant, selfish, womanizing man I have ever known. Although I hadn't meet him in person, magazines always seemed to have some type of article that involved him.

But the first time I saw him in my brothers office, I knew those articles were wrong about him. And those pictures? Didn't do him any justice.

So when he had asked me out the first time, I was speechless.

Why would this god-like man want to go out, let-alone speak, to me?

But it didn't matter afterwards because it may have been the best decision I ever made.

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