Chapter 3- The Fight (Edited)

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Picture of Candy Above^


I shut the door to my apartment and make my way to the bedroom. With a heavy grunt, I fall backwards onto my bed, throwing my keys towards the dresser as I kick my shoes off. I was exhausted.

It'd been a long day at work. As the hours passed, more and more people had started to pour in. Our lunch rush was always busy, but it seemed more than our usual customers had stumbled across our diner. We'd been kept busy for the rest of the day, although I didn't mind.

It distracted me from my thoughts about trouble, also known as the beast of a man that had walked through the door earlier today. Everything I'd heard about from Candy regarding him and his friends sounded like those guys were the hottest men alive.

She'd gone on and on about the tip that was left behind, hoping it was from blondie. I had no way of telling her it was Trouble and that I only knew because I watched as he and his friends stood, throwing it down before they walked out.

I bit my lip as I watched him get into his car before turning around, putting a hand to my chest in attempt to slow my heart down. Damn. I needed to get a grip. I was a fucking creep for watching a random man and enjoying it.

Can you blame me? If you'd seen how beautiful this man was, you would too.

With one last hit to my mattress, I stand and start to pull off my clothes as I walk towards the bathroom. I was in need of a long soak before I headed down to the Underground tonight. After the day I had, I was looking to relieve some tension.

Johnny, the ring master, had become a good friend of mine over the time I'd spent there. Said I made him more money than any of his previous fighters. Mostly because he knew I had skill. I proved it when I beat every fighter I was put up against.

After washing my body, I got out and quickly got dressed. I'd thrown on black jogging tights, a grey tank-top, my black converse, and a black hoodie I always wore to cover my face. I didn't want nor need anyone to recognize me outside of that place. The hoodie came in handy when hiding my face any time it was lifted. Thankfully, it's never been pulled down mid fight and has always blocked me from prying eyes.

I decided to leave my car behind and insisted on walking in case someone recognizes it near the alley entrance. Making my way down the streets, I slip through alleys and dodge corners, finally taking a last turn where I see the Underground's door.

I pass some street stragglers and homeless people as they sit along the walkway. They don't bother me and instead choose to stare at me with caution as I head down the steps.

Tugging my hood higher, I reach the entrance and head inside, making sure I keep my head down as I push past the men and women who stood around the ring, shouting profanities at the two men currently fighting in the middle.

The Underground looked like a regular gym. It was filled with punching bags along each wall. Mirrors hung on one side of the room. Benches spread throughout, holding duffel bags that were no doubt filled with clothes, guns, and even coke.

On the other side of the ring, stood most of tonight's fighters. From what I could see out of the corner of my eye, there was a lot of them. It surprised me only because it was the middle of the week. Johnny never got this kind of crowd on a regular day.

I peek through the bottom of my hood and stop, turning to watch the match proceeding above me. What I see first is a well built man with broad shoulders and steady legs as he flys back against the rope. He's stumbling back with his arm around his torso, blood trailing down his forehead and into his eye.

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