Chapter 24- The Park

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An engine roaring to life outside let me know that Ace was already leaving.

When he had asked me to babysit, I thought he meant later. Not now. But obviously it doesn't matter because he's already gone.

I sigh and begin wandering around the house, trying to find the little kids while taking a tour of the house at the same time.

My thoughts wander back to the moment Ace and I shared a few minutes ago.

The way his eyes held mine captive and made me feel like it would be a crime to pull away. I hadn't even noticed I wasn't breathing.

To stop the feeling of wanting to grab his face in my hands and kiss him senseless, I broke eye contact first. The sound of him clearing his throat almost, almost, made my knees buck.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I walked into the play room on the second floor, only to step on a Lego.

"Mother-," I said, as I hoped on one foot, holding my other foot in my hands. "Oh sh-."

I was cut off by a cough. When I look up, I see Xander playing with the kids on the carpet. One of his perfect sculpted brows were raised in both amusement and confusion.

"Please. Do finish what you were gonna say just now," he says, his brow still raised.

I blush in embarrassment and make my way to sit in front of him.

The room has a crème color, making the room feel soft. There's a flat screen T.V hung on the wall that's opposite of the door. Black leather arm chairs and couches surround it. Just off to the side of the T.V, there is a whole section of toys and games scattered across the floor.

"What's up?" I ask. I lay my head back on the chair.

"Nothing much. You?"

He's unconsciously running his hand through Jaces hair, who sits in front of him playing with Ariel on the floor, as he converses with me. He smirks.

Now it's my turn to raise a brow at him.

"Nothing, huh?" I rest my elbows on my knees as I lean towards him. "So what Candy's been telling me isn't true?" His smirk instantly falls. "Cause if so, she's going to be heart broke-en. But that's just-,"

"Candy talks about me?" He didn't even let me finish my statement before he decided to interrupt. "Is it good good? Good bad? Or bad bad?" His face had a look of shock, panic, but more...excitement. "I mean she said she wanted to move slow, but I didn't know she meant that slow. Oh, God. Did she even mean it when she said yes to that date? Dammit, Xander. You fucking idiot. She probably hates me now and-,"

I can see his rambling had turned into a little private thought session with himself, so I stopped him from going any further and concentrate.

"Whoa! Chill. I was just messing with you." He realized what he was doing and sat back in his seat, clearing his throat. "But she really does talk about you. And before you speak, yes, it's all good things."

His lips lift upward, slightly showing a hint of a smile.

"Good," he says. "I trust you'll report back?"

I can tell he's joking so I play along.

"Yes, sir." I make my back straight and salute to him.

He nods his head in mock and stands to his full height. He gives me his own salute, clicks his imaginary boots, turns, and walks out like a soldier in line.

I laugh as he leaves.

I never knew Xander could have a humorous side. He seemed like the silent, assessing, cool, kept together guy. But I guess when you get to know him, he shows his true self. And I liked that side of him.

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