Chapter 42- Plan B

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I was sitting on my bed, my head in my hands, as I thought about Jules.

Was she okay? Was she with Stacy? Were they hurt? Were they alive? Did Marcus touch them?

The thought of Marcus putting his hands on her makes my anger rise once more and I shoot up from my bed and go on a rampage in my room.

I couldn't help it.

I let that fucker come and snatch her from under my nose. I should have known better.

My anger gets the best of me and I see red, destroying everything. I don't care if anyone downstairs can hear me. I'm pissed and they should know it.



Loud crashes come from the 3rd floor where the rooms are and I look over at Xander who's sitting in one of the loveseats with Candy while Miriam and I are on the couch.

After Ace had read the Letter to us all over five hours ago, I had gone and checked the cameras and had yet to find something. Xander and Hugh had already seen to the security details. As for Troy, he was currently with Kyle in the basement conjuring up a plan.

I felt for Troy. I know how he must be taking the news of my sister in the habds of a psychopath because I'm feeling the same.

I'm eager to find the bastard that took her from us. The moment Ace stepped in my office and told me Marcus was back, I had a bad feeling. And somehow, I just knew.

Now that it's actually happening, I couldn't believe it. My baby sister was kidnapped and I'm just suppose to sit and wait until someone comes up with a plan.

But for Troy? I know it's worse. This is the love of his life. His other half. His fianceé. Who knows if she'll make it out ali-

No! Don't think like that.

My baby sister is strong. I know she'll make it out. I just hope Jules is with her.

"Hey." Miriam see's the frown on my face and cups my cheek, turning me to look at her. "She's going to be okay."

I smile lightly amd take this time to admire the woman beside me.

Her dirty blonde hair and beautiful eyes aren't even her best features. It's her kind personality and gorgeous smile that catches me.

After working for me for so many years, I can't believe I ignored this pure beauty. I can't believe I chose whores over my angel. My Miriam.

But now that she's mine, I will make sure I make up for all those years. I don't even remember the man I was before her and I don't want to.

She's knows me better than anyone. Without saying anything, she already knows how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking. I love it.

I love her.

I don't care what anyone thinks. I'd be nothing without her. She's seen the best and worst in me, yet here she is. Reassuring me that my sister will be okay. Staying by my side.

If that doesn't scream keeper, I don't know what does.

She tilts her head and scrunches her nose up in that cute way she does when she's confused.

"What?" She asks.

"What?" I repeat.

She smiles lightly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I ask, my eyes roaming over the sight of her lips.

"You know what," she says.

"No, I don't." I lean in to whisper in her ear. "Why don't you tell me?"

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