Chapter 27- Advice

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I ran my hands through my hair for the thirtieth time today.

How could I have been so stupid?

But it wasn't my fault.

The woman was so fucking sexy when she was angry, and when I dragged her out of work, it just lit her fuse. But I couldn't help it.

She was practically flirting with that Jackass in front of the whole diner.

Everyone saw the way he smiled up at her. The way his eyes twinkled with lust as he eyed her curvaceous body when she wasn't looking. He was planning to take something that wasn't his.

But I'll be damned if I let that prick take it from me.

She was Mine. And mine only.

And when something's mine, I don't like sharing. They completely belong and submit to me, and only me.

And Damn, if I enjoyed the way her body felt in my hands; against my body; the way my tongue invaded her mouth; the way her moans let me know she was enjoying it as much as I was.

Fuck. I was getting a hard on just thinking about it.

Running a hand down my face once again, I walked into my home office to see the guys already there.

Before I had dragged Jules outside, I let them know that they could leave without me. We had gone to the diner to eat breakfast there since Stacy had wanted to see Jules.

They knew about the kiss we shared in the piano room, but haven't said anything about it.

"I'm going to guess didn't go as planned?" Troy asked.

I sighed as I took a seat in my chair. "Does it ever?"

" But remember what happened with Stacy and I?"

"You and Stacy?" I let out a mocking laugh. "That's a different situation."

"Is it though?" Xander interjected.

They were all giving me the 'Get Real' look.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I question.

"Come on, man. You and Jules?" Hugh said. "Everyone can see it. Y'all are like electricity. Fire and Ice. Straw to her Berry. Apple to her Pie. Smoke to her high-."

"Shut the hell up, Jackass," Troy interrupted. "And 'Perfect Two by Auburn' ? Seriously?"

"You knew the title of the song, so don't even try to get at me," he defended.

Troy rolled his eyes and muttered, "Chick."

"Any-fucking-ways," Xander said, glaring at the two of them before turning back to me, "What dumb and dumber are trying to say is that you and Jules have something. We can see it."

"See what? Her distance towards me? Because that's what I'll be getting the next time I see her." I gritted out, pissed at myself.

"Well if that's the case, then what the hell did you do?" Hugh asked, chuckling at the end.

So, I told them about what happened in the alley and how I had basically run off, most likely leaving a pissed off Jules.

When I was done, Hugh was doubled over, laughing. I would've smacked him upside the head if Troy hadn't already beaten me to it, earning a loud 'Umf' from Hugh, his laughter gone. I smirked, satisfied.

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