Chapter 7- Join Me (Edited)

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Picture of Marcus above^


No one said anything. No one was saying anything. Their eyes stayed glued on me, some with their mouths agape and some with just pure shock across their faces. I took a short breath in and tried not to let the fear of rejection break me down. I couldn't falter in front of them. Not now.

This was it. They would never let me fight here again.

I was counting to 3 before I was going to make my way out of the ring. I didn't feel like fighting every fucking person in here all because they'd made a sexist joke when their momentary shock wears off.

I decided it's best if I just leave and turn to do just that when I feel Johnnys hand clamp down on my arm.

"Don't," is all he whispers.

I mustered up all the courage I had and turned to tell him I won't be back when I heard a clap. A single clap followed by another and another. It was like a bad movie, one that I'd seen over and over and yet, I found myself turning to watch.

The whole room was clapping, turning into fits of cheers and whoops. They were shouting out things like 'Way to go!' and 'Yeah, baby!' followed by more cheers.

I was taken aback by the amount of acceptance that was being shown. I was sure they'd throw fits and demand I be kicked out, but instead, they didn't care. That gave me the confidence I needed to stand tall again, keeping my face passive as I tried not to let how elated I was show through.

When Johnny and I had spoken beforehand on the phone, I thought it'd finally be the time to show the face I know everyone had been wondering about. I thought it'd only be fair if my opponent knew who he'd be fighting. That and the fact that Ace was going to find out sooner or later. I just preferred the former.

Johnny waves his hand as he lifts the mic up to his mouth. "Quiet down, you fuckers. Settle down, now. Settle down, Mack!"

Mack froze, the chair he had lifted above his head dropped and he gave one last whoop before he retreated into the crowd. Some snickered as one picked it up and threw it behind him, hitting another in the process. No one moved to help and I watched as that person fell unconscious, the crowd closing in around him anyways.

Uh, ok?

"Coope, Jay, center ring." I face Coope as he stalks forward until only Johnny separated us.

He stands straight as he eyes my form, a wide smirk playing on his lips. He gives Johnny a nudge and points my way. "You call this a fight?" He laughs to himself and I raise a brow. "Come on, give me a real match. No way she's actually the Ripper."


I give him a smirk of my own as Johnny shoots me a look. One that I imagine would say 'oh boy' and turns to climb out. I tilt my head at Coope who wears his smug smile with pride.

Yeah, I'll enjoy wiping it right off that fucking face.

I take a step back and brace myself, getting into my stance as Coope rolls his eyes at me. I could tell he's not taking me seriously when he walks over to the ropes and throws his hands up as the crowd momentarily cheers him on.

These guys get cocky every day.

I crouch down and swipe his legs out from underneath him. I step back to watch as he jumps back up, a scowl crossing his features. From where he stood, it almost looked like he was a rabid dog that was foaming at the mouth and I resisted the urge to laugh in his face.

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