Chapter 32- Secrets

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Picture of Aces Mansion above^


I sat in the helicopter with a blind fold that was put on my head after I had climbed up the ladder. It felt like forever for the blind fold to come off, but when it did, I was now sitting in a dark room with only one light hanging above me.

I don't know how long I've been here, but it feels like hours of just listening to silence.

It was like a scene in a movie where the person gets kidnapped and they're taken to a dark room for questioning with the spotlight only on them while they're tied to a chair with no intention of getting out alive.

The difference in this situation is that I wasn't tied up, so it kind of put me at ease. Since I wasn't tied up, I shouldn't expect the worse.

I knew the door was behind me because when it opened, light flooded into the room, letting me see that it was empty. No furniture or windows. Nothing, but the black colored walls.

The door shut after the person had walked in and I didn't have to guess who it was since they came to stand in front of me.

He was wearing grey slacks with a white shirt that had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows with his hands in his pockets.

He smirked. "Thank you for cooperating, Ms. Salvatore. You made it easy on my behalf."

I scowled. "Cut the crap, Marcus. What am I here for?"

He chuckled. "Oh, come on. Let's have some fun and at least have a decent conversation before we get down to business."

My teeth grinds together in annoyance at the way he's trying to stall the real topic of this conversation.

"First," he continues talking, "I heard you were the one who took down Aces very own, Finn Daniels. No one could beat him, but you did. I have to say, I was impressed."

I rolled my eyes, but kept my mouth shut.

"Your ring name was Jay 'The Ripper' Salvatore, right?" When I didn't respond, he continued. "Nice. The name suited you. I, especially, liked to watch your fights."

That peaked my interest as I lifted my gaze to his. "You fights?"

His smirk turned into a more creepy smile as he watched me. "Oh, yeah. You can say that I found your fights...mildly amusing."

Wait a minute, I thought, I didn't know Marcus before. How could he have watched my fights if-

"I know what you're thinking, sweet cheeks-"

"Don't call me that."

"But it's nothing to waste your time thinking about," he said, talking like I hadn't just interrupted. "Because I'll tell you. On one condition."

I raise a brow. "What's that?"

He kneels down in front of me. "We trade. A secret for a secret."

I frown. "Why would I tell you anything? Especially, you."

He lifts a finger to brush one of my hair strands behind my ear, making me jerk my head back.

He smiles and stands back up to his full height. "You do know that I'm not holding you here against your will, right?"

"You're not keeping me here against my will? Are you fucking kidding me?!" I said, outraged. "You literally gave me no choice in coming here, locked me in a dark room, and now you're saying I'm not here against my will?"

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