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"My darling child, please promise me you'll take care of the throne." The women wheezed out. "Your father has already passed, now it's my turn to join him." The women held a bright smile even on her death bed.

"So promise me, promise me, you will protect the kingdom with your life." The elderly women coughed. "I promise mother, I promise." Virgo held her hand gently as her mother's life faded into nothingness.

"I will keep this kingdom safe mother, always." Virgo squeezed her hand. "Ah, now I can rest in peace after hearing that." The women wheezed and had trouble breathing. "Stay safe my child." Her cold hand was placed on Virgo's cheek.

It slowly slid down her face as her heart stopped beating, it rested over the side of the bed. Virgo felt a tear slip and plop on her mother's hand and then the rest flowed freely.

Virgo sat up in surprise and looked around, she was in her chamber, it used to be her mother and father's. She looked outside the window and saw the sun rising slowly. "Looks like I woke up early again." She sighed and got ready.

She wore a long white gown it was fancy yet comfortable. She braided her long brown hair and stuck small white lilies in them. She looked stunning as always. She was the youngest queen ever appointed in the land at age 21.

Her responsibilities piled on her shoulders and felt like two boulders were sitting a top of them. She hadn't slept properly in days, sorting out treaties and alliances. In the past three months she convinced Souluster, their neighboring kingdom to join their alliance.

She had a few smaller kingdoms in her alliance, but never remembered their names, it was the big ones that counted. The other major kingdom she had to convince was Necronia, even her parents couldn't convince the king to join the alliance.

She slipped on her shoes and walked out the door, her long braid swinging back and forth with each step. She walked over to the next room and pounded on the door. "WAKE UP AQUARIUS!" She yelled, all she heard was groaning and muffled speech.

Virgo rolled her eyes and opened the door. Aquarius's room was an utter mess, everything was cluttered and laying on the floor. Virgo managed to get to the bed and saw Aqua sleeping, her black hair splayed out.

Aquarius got her father's features, dark hair, dark eyes, and an unpredictable personality. Virgo had her mother's looks and personality, even tempered, logical, brown hair, and brown eyes.

"I said wake up!" Virgo threw the covers off of Aqua. She curled into a ball in an effort of keeping warm. "What do you want! This needs to stop! Why can't I sleep just because your the queen and have to wake up early!" She complained.

"Because your a princess, and you have to get ready for classes." Virgo was being the typical responsible older sister. "Classes? Can I not go today?" Aqua whined. "No! You need to work on your manners!" Virgo scolded.

Aqua rubbed her eyes and sat up, yawning. "Fine...but give me some time." She got off  the bed and scurried into the bathroom. "10 MINUTES OR NO BREAKFAST!" Virgo yelled through the door. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you tell me this every morning." She heard the water run.

Virgo heavily sighed and walked out the door. "Your majesty." Cancer bowed her head. "Report please." Virgo said while walking to the dining hall. "Nothing much, your majesty, there were no intruders nor any suspicious activity." Cancer kept her head bowed.

"Good." Virgo approved. Cancer went back to her post. "Breakfast your majesty." The cook placed plates on the table. "Today we are having eggs, sunny side up, croissants, toast, bacon, and French toast." He pointed to the dish.

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