War (pt 1)

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Night was upon them, a black blanket that is laid on top of them, and it was time.

Virgo was running around frantically, getting her defenses up. Capricorn supported her all the way through. Scorpio had his arms crossed and was standing next to Pisces.

"Where's Aquarius?" Her sister coming into mind. "In the garden I think." Capricorn helped. "Thanks." Virgo went to see her, she would be devastated. Virgo saw the splash of red stand out in the greens, she was still wearing her dress.

Aqua was sitting smack dab in the middle of the garden, she didn't know why and she didn't ask. "Aqua?" Virgo placed a hand on her shoulder. Aquarius jumped and frantically wiped her face.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." Aquarius sniffled, her eyes were red and she looked tired. "Are you ok?" Virgo asked. "I hate that question....when someone clearly see's when your not ok they continue to ask the question....it bothers me." Aquarius shared.

"I didn't know what else to say." Virgo said truthfully. "I know, I'm not fine, I'm utterly destroyed. I have been trying to force myself to forget him but he keeps shoving back into my mind!" Aqua clutched her head.

"It's ok." Virgo tried comforting her. "No, it's really not, we are going to be under attack. What makes this fine?" Aqua clenched her eyes shut, she WAS NOT going to cry, she forced the tears back in.

"I meant...that you'll be ok." Virgo sat next to her. "Of course I'll be ok, I have my sister and hundreds of guards protecting me right?" Aqua said sarcastically. Her sarcastic side usually came out when she was mad or frustrated.

"Aqua...." Virgo gave her a sympathetic smile and rubbed her back. "I'm going to kill that fool with my own hands." Aqua's ands balled into fists. Virgo felt a strange shiver run through her back.

"VIRGO! THEY ARE APPROACHING!" Capricorn announced. "Oh crap. Aqua stay somewhere safe!" Virgo said before dashing inside. "Stay safe? Not going to happen." Aqua mumbled.

"How far are they?" Virgo looked through the big window. "Just peaking the hill." He responded. "Damn it they are so close already!" Virgo whispered. "Ready the archers!" She shouted at Cancer.

"At once my queen." Cancer bowed and ran up the stairs. "Sagittarius prepare your archers." Cancer said. "Alright men! Raise your bows!" He yelled. A line of bows including his pointed into the air.

"Fire when ready!" Virgo's shouts could be heard throughout the castle. Cancer repeated the order to Sagittarius. "Ready?" The line of men notched an arrow. "Aim." The angled the bow upwards. "And.....FIRE!" Arrows flew and whizzed through the air the were at the top of their arch and began falling down.

Ophichus gave Taurus a look and Taurus nodded in understanding. "SHIELDS UP!" He ordered. A wall of steel shields were raised to the air. The arrows harmlessly deflected off of them and fell to the ground.

"Damn it." Sagittarius cursed. Virgo bit her cheek, she was thinking. "Our turn." Ophichus smiled and with one hand movement his row of archers raised there bows and fired almost instantly.

"RUN!" Sag yelled at his men and went to run inside but he was a tad late. He felt a incinerating pain in his calf, he shouted until his throat hurt and fell to the ground.
He looked at his leg which was a bloody mess of flesh, he wouldn't be able to walk properly ever again, that's for sure.

"Sag!" Cancer dropped down beside him. When has she started calling him Sag? He enjoyed it when his name was being called from her mouth, he almost or laughed but the pain overrides that feeling.

He bit his tongue in order to keep quiet. "We need to get this out!" Cancer said. "No, you need to go and defend the castle, I already failed." Sag held her arm, his fingers covered with the sticky scarlet liquid.

Cancer hesitated but the look in his eyes encouraged her to go. "I'll send someone for you!" She yelled and ran inside. "You....do....that." His head thumped lightly on the stone floor.

"Crap, they are approaching." Virgo mumbled. "Don't worry, the guards will stop them, hopefully." Capricorn didn't wasn't to sugarcoat it. Virgo but in her fingernails, a nervous habit that she got rid of years ago, somehow it came back.

Aquarius slipped on the metal armor, all those fencing lessons better pay off. Yes she was being stupid, yes she wasn't thinking of the consequences, but she didn't care. She would slip in with the rest of the guards and hopefully make her way to Taurus.

As she walked the metal weighed her down, already making her tired. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the front lines?" And intimidating voice said. Luckily, the helmet was on so you couldn't se her full face.

"I was on my way sir, just a bit late getting ready." She lowered her voice and turned to face....Scorpio and Pisces. "Get to it!" Scorpio growled. "Yes sir!" She would have a word with him later. (😂)

Aqua jogged as fast as she could to the outside, she was tired and sweaty and she didn't even fight yet how did these guards wear this all day? "Hey who are you?" A guard looked at her suspiciously.

"I'm A-" she almost said her name. "Adrien." She made up a name. "Alright, get ready they are almost here." He didn't question her further which made her softly sigh in relief.

The King and the Prince were on white horses, both wearing slick sturdy metal armor. Not what Aqua had in mind at the phrase 'knight in shining armor.' It was true but he wasn't here to save her, it was quite the opposite.

Taurus stone cold eyes fell on her immediately. She suddenly felt hot, why did she continue to feel like this? He betrayed her! Aqua pushed the feeling down and unsheathed the heavy sword.

Taurus's eyes scanned the crowd. "ATTACK!!!!" Ophichus yelled in pure rage and confidence. Their guards ran down the rest of the hill and clashed with Virgo's guards. They were extremely skilled.

Aqua tried shoving her way through but she found herself being pushed back. Someone lunged for her and brought down his sword. Aqua brought it up just in time, barely blocking it. She took the opening and knees him in the stomach.

It wasn't that effective because of his armor but it pushed him back. "Not bad." He chuckled and unsheathed a dagger. He was duel wielding, a rare skill to have. "Say goodbye." He laughed and swiped his two weapons in unpredictable patterns.

Aqua moved back, for a moment she forgot the weight of the armor. Aqua grabbed her own extra dagger, in a swift movement she threw the dagger. It hit him square in between the eyes.

He stared in shock for a moment and then collapsed to the ground, the blood began looking around him. Aqua was taking ragged breathes. She looked around but couldn't find her target in sight.

"Shit, did I lose him she said to herself. A raging sword swing towards her head. Aqua ducked to the ground one of the other guards took the man down. There was blood splattered everywhere in pools, in streaks, in dots.

So many men died and more were dying, it was hard to watch. Without warning she felt herself being shoved into the castle right into the main hall. She grunted as her back hit the hard floor.

"Your a tough one." The King stood above her. Aqua didn't dare say a word, her cover would be blown. She stood up and stared hi down. Ophichus pulled out his massive sword.

"Father, I'll take care of this." Taurus smiled and took out his own sword, it looked menacing.

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