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"King Ophichus, you have received a letter." A small man came up to him with his head bowed. "From who?" Ophichus was sipping a glass of scarlet wine. "Your son milord." The man said.

"Give it here." Ophichus snapped. The man handed him the letter and quickly backed away. It only took him a few moments to read it. "Send him a letter back." Ophichus began to tell the man what to write on it.

"Father! I'm going out to the market!" His daughter Libra called. "Be back by lunch." The King called back. He heard his daughter's footsteps fade into the distance.

Libra put her cloak on and sighed, she was glad to get out of the cloud of tension. She was meeting her fiancé for the first time. He said he was running late and would be there by lunch.

The gravel crunched beneath her feet as she made her way to the local market. After a few minutes of walking she entered the village. She looked way out of place with her crown and regal clothing all the villagers gave a dirty looks at her as she passed.

She was used to this by now and didn't care anymore. She went to the fruit stall to buy some fresh fruit for the lunch. The vendor squinted at her. "What can I get you? Princess." He said the word with utter disgust.

She took a deep breath and answered. "A pound of apples and a pound of grapes, please." She tried staying polite. "Right away." He grabbed a handful of apples and the grapes and weighed them.

He put them in a bag and then handed it to her. "20$." he extended a hand. Libra pulled out a twenty and dropped it into his hand. "Good day." He said and then went to help the next customer.

Libra sighed and went to look around a bit more. "Princess Pisces!" Multiple villagers yelled and bowed. She looked through the cloud and saw Pisces trying to ignore everyone and trying to buy what she wanted.

Why couldn't they treat her like that? She caught glance of bright blonde hair and groaned. She quickly walked in the opposite direction into a more secluded place.

"Hey...what's a pretty lady like you doing here?" A low voice came from behind her. She gasped and turned a tall man with a muscular frame towered over her. "Come on out, it's just another pretty lady from the castle." Two smaller men came out from the shadows and surrounded her.

"I-I have to go." She stuttered and tried walking away. "You are not going anywhere." The man blocked her. "Stay with us for just one night." One of the smaller men grabbed her wrist.

She dropped the fruit and struggled. "Let me go!" She smacked one in the face, unfortunately it was the taller man. "Your gonna pay." He sneered and put a rough hand on her pale shoulder.

He gripped her tightly, she could feel his nails dig in and pierce her flesh. She yelled for help. "Shhh." He covered her mouth and neared her face. "We don't want to ruin the fun now do we?" His hot breath hit her in the face.

Her eyes widened, she twisted and turned but she was held down from all sides. They began to drag her across the ground, her dress tearing and ripping revealing the tan slip inside.

Her muffled screams didn't travel far enough for help. She closed her eyes and awaited her doom. A loud crack filled her ears, making her eyes shoot open. She saw the shaggy blonde hair glisten in the sun.

"Don't touch her." He punched the man again and kicked him in the side. The man whimpered and crawled away. He glared at the other men holding her down, the scampered away with fear.

He winced and glanced at his split knuckles. Libra stood up and felt the urge to cry, but she didn't. Leo gave a great big smile that melted her heart but she didn't give in.

"Not even a thanks?" He winked and jogged to her. "Thanks..." She managed to squeak out. "No...problem, how about a reward?" He suggested. Libra scoffed "In your dreams." She tried picking up the scattered pieces of her dress. "Oh come on!" He raised his hands.

"If I said yes, what reward would you possibly want?" She glanced at him. He didn't say anything but he pointed to his lips. Libra made a disgusted face and huffed.

He pouted and made puppy dog eyes. "No! What part of I'm getting married do you not understand?" She places her hands on her hips. "The part where your getting married against your will, to someone you haven't even met yet?" He said.

"I barely even met you!" Libra contradicted. "Well, you and me are different, you actually like me, and I like you." He said confidently. "Who said that I like you?" Libra squinted. "Your heart." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're unbelievable." She sighed. "Unbelievably handsome." He slid next to her. "What's the time?" Libra asked. "A quarter to twelve." Leo answered. "I have to get back! I'm meeting my fiancé!" She ran off without thinking, leaving Leo behind.

Leo sighed in disappointment and trudged back to his sister. "What's wrong with you?" She nudged as she tried herring though the crowd of people. "I just got rejected again." He said glumly.

"I told you to drop it didn't I?" Pisces glared at him. "I know but-" he started. "But nothing. She is getting married and if you keep seeing her you will get your heartbroken." Pisces explained.

"Your majesty your carriage is here." He knight Scorpio escorted her to her ride. "You never fail to impress me Scorpio." She complimented and then got in the carriage. Scorpio shed a small smile but quickly went back to his straight face.

Libra ran all the way back to the castle. "Father I'm here!" She huffed and puffed. "What in blazes happened to you!" He looked at her torn dress and wind blown hair. "Don't explain now! Go get changed." he ordered. "Yes father." Libra held her head low.

"Ahh, Dex, thank you for coming." Ophichus said.

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