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I hope you guys are enjoying the story....😣

"What?" The groom whispered. "I can't marry you." Libra took her hands out of his. "Say YES!" Her father grit his teeth. "No I won't! You can make me!" Libra shouted at his face. Ophichus squinted. "What makes you say that?"

"What you'll kill me like mother?!" Libra was outraged. "How do you...." Ophichus face softened. "The servant told me before killing himself." She said. "That bastard." Ophichus whispered.

"SAY YES! I NEED HIS KINGDOM!" Ophichus shouted. His words slipped. "What?" The groom stared at him. "I didn't mean it like that." Ophichus tried laughing it off.

"You want my kingdom? How dare you!" The man stormed out in anger. Ophichus fought to hold his anger in. Libra looked at him angrily. "Now if you excuse me I have someplace to go." She said.

She lifted her dress and ran outside. Ophichus stood astonished, his plan was crumbling but it wasn't completely destroyed. "TAURUS!" He yelled. Taurus came running in with his torn tux and weeping rose. His hair was sticking out everywhere.

"Change the invasion to tonight, Zilinia will be mine." He shook a fist. "But we aren't prepared-" Taurus began. "Shut up! It shall be tonight!" He shouted. "Yes father." Taurus said no more and went to prepare.

Libra wheezed out the air she had left as she ran to Souluster. She tried ripping the dress off but she couldn't reach the strings in the back. "I hate this damn dress!" She yelled in frustration. She hurriedly rushed to the front of the castle.

Scorpio was standing guard and immediately went on the defensive at the sight of her. "" She was having trouble breathing now. Scorpio squinted but senses she wasn't here to do anything bad.

He stepped aside. "Do you need help?" He offered. "Yes please! Untie the back for me I can't breathe!" Libra felt suffocated. Scorpio hesitated for a moment but obliged.

He worked through the tangle of strings getting his hands almost stuck halfway through. "How the hell do you ladies wear these?" He seemed frustrated. "I have no idea." She felt the corset loosen and her ability to breathe properly was coming back.

Scorpio finally finished and stepped back. "Don't worry I'm wearing clothes inside." He assured. She took the dress off and threw it off to the side. Now she wore a black tank top and small black shorts.

She felt free, now she could run faster. She sprinted inside the castle. And caught eye of Pisces. "What in the hell are you doing here?!" Pisces said. "No time to explain!" Libra dashed past her.

She asked the closest servant. "Where is Leo's room?" And they pointed in the direction. After a maze of twists and turns she made it to the oak doorway the only oak door in the hallway.

She didn't bother to knock and pushed her way in. "HEY THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED KNOCKING!" Leo yelled angrily but the anger faded at the sight of her. "Libra?" Leo had bandages wrapped everywhere.

One of his legs was covered in white as well as one of his arms and you could see the hint of white peeking from the collar of his shirt. He looked broken inside and out.

"I said no." Libra was panting, her chest heaving. "what?" Leo stood and winced at the pain shooting in his leg. "I said no, I didn't get married!" Libra felt happy. "No? Are you crazy? Your father is going to murder you!" Leo ran a hand through his blond locks.

"If I was going to get murdered I would be dead now!" Libra was shocked that he didn't feel happy with her. "I-I'm sorry..." Libra didn't know why she was apologizing. "Why?" Leo sighed and limped to her.

"I thought you would be happy....I want you to go back to your usual self...flirty, cocky, and confident." She let out a little laugh. "You like that me?" Leo thought she hated him like that.

"I love that you." Libra placed a hand on his bandages chest. "Is there anyway you can deal with this me?" He grinned and put a light hand on her soft cheek. "I can try." Libra giggled.

Leo tilted her chin up and leaned in. He went slowly, not wanting to scare her. He was just inches from her soft velvety lips until the door burst open. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Pisces yelled. Leo looked at her.

"A little busy here." He smirked. "If you think I'm going to allow this? You though wrong!" Pisces called in Scorpio. "Oh god, not Scorpio." Leo groaned. Libra was still clutching to him afraid he would leave again if she let go.

"Yes princes Pisces?" Scorpio was there in under a minute. Leo thought quickly and shut the door in their faces and locked it. Pisces pounded on the door. "Now where were we?" He resumed his motion.

His lips met hers in a fiery passion. She was waiting for this and now it was happening. She smiled against his lips and laughed. Leo continued kissing her softly, almost as if she would break under his touch.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Pisces yelled. They both ignored her and continued their moment of intimacy. They heard loud noise and turned to the door. A sword was sticking out. "Oh shit." Leo cursed.

The sword was pulled out and then shoved into the door again making a large hole. Scorpio stuck his hand in the hole and unlocked the door from the inside. They both stood in fear as the door creaked open.

Pisces's nose was twitching again. Scorpio tried hard not to laugh at her angry face, it was cute! Pisces walked in. "Do you guys truly want to be together?" She seemed calm. "Yes!" Leo said quickly along with the nod of Libra.

"Then run." Pisces said. "What?" Leo didn't understand. "Run away, and live elsewhere, somewhere where this." The motioned to them. "Will be accepted."

The sun fell and evening was beginning and so was the war.

"I failed my mother." Virgo sounded hysterical. "Don't be rash, it wasn't your fault." Capricorn tried calming her. "It wasn't?" Virgo was on the verge of tears.

"No it wasn't." Capricorn stroked her long hair. "V-Virgo?" Aquarius called weakly. Virgo turned around. "Are you ok?!" Virgo ran to her. "No, I'm not but Ophichus is almost ready with the preparations." Aquarius warned.

"Why am I just standing here?! I must get ready!" She yelled but then looked at Capricorn. "Will you fight alongside us?" Virgo took his hand in hope. "Of course, let get Souluster to aid you." He said.

"Your right!" Virgo ran in the opposite direction with Cap following. Aqua just stood there. She looked around before closing her eyes.

She was finally alone.

A wet drop splattered on her cheek. She looked up at the now cloudy grey sky. Aqua found a nearby bench and sat on it and pulled her knees to her chest. She wanted to disappear from existence.

"What an interesting time to catch you."

Aqua looked up with tears that were ready to fall but she refused to show anyone how she felt. "What the hell do you want." Aqua hissed. "Nothing, I just saw you." He chuckled.

"Why did you do that?" Aqua's voice slightly trembled. "I already told you." Taurus became irritated. "So you don't care for me? At all?" Aqua stood up and walked in front of him.

"Nope, not at all." He kept the smirk on his face but he had lied, profusely. Aquarius pulled her hand back and brought it to meet his face a loud crack echoed in the air. Taurus's  head flung back he grabbed her wrist in anger and squeezed.

Aqua held in her grunt or pain and stared him dead in the eyes. "I will bring your castle down, you and your father with it." She said in a threatening low voice. "I'd like to see you try." He scoffed and threw her hand away.

Aqua glared at him her face couldn't show how much anger she had. Aqua left the castle grounds to return to her own.

"Pisces?" Cap breathed. "What?" She turned skeins and saw him with Virgo. "Please help us, my castle is in danger and yours is as well." Virgo pleaded. "I do not want to get involved with this!" Pisces crossed her arms.

"Maybe we should agree." Scorpio spoke up. "We could finally take down that King." He explained. "That is true...." Pisces thought. "Alright, when is his invasion?" Pisces asked.

"Tonight." Virgo felt her heart sink.

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