Two Faced

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"Dex, thank you for inviting us to your castle." Ophichus said. "It's no problem seeing you will be my father in law, I thought you could have a look around."

"This is my daughter Libra." Ophichus pointed out. Libra rushed to change into something else she smiled brightly. Dex was definitely attractive, not what Libra imagined at all.

His tan skin made it look like he worked in the sun all day, when he smiled he had dimples on his cheek, he had emerald green eyes and long locks of black hair. He was a bit older then Libra about four years but he looked the same age as her.

"Your daughter is as beautiful as I imagined her." He winked. Libra smiled at the compliment. "I'm Dex, short for Dexter, which is short for Dexterious." He bowed. He definitely acted like a king. "I'm pretty sure you already know my name." Libra joked and curtsied.

"Shall we go for a walk?" He extended his arm. Libra hooked her arm in his and accepted. They went to the castle garden. "You have a beautiful garden!" Libra took in all the vibrant colors and aromatic flowers.

"Thank you." He nodded. "Now, I need to tell you some rules that I have in this castle." He stopped. "Rules? Like what?" Libra tilted her head. "I have to know where you are, what your doing, and when your coming back, rule 2, you cannot speak to another man or be alone with one, rule 3,  you will do what I tell you to, and rule 4, do not leave the castle after nine."

Libra was shocked he just basically said that she was his and she could do what he wanted with her. "Um..." She was hesitant now. "If you don't accept it I won't marry you." He crossed his arms.

"What's going on here?" Her father found them. "I told her my terms and conditions but she is not accepting." Dex huffed. "I didn't even refuse yet, I didn't say anything yet!" Libra yelled. "You will marry this man, wether you like it or not, agree to him now." Her father squinted at her.

"Have you heard his rules?!" Libra asked. "Yes I have, now accept." Ophichus crossed his arms. "You actually approve of this?!" Libra scoffed. "Do it now." Ophichus kept his tone even.

Libra anxiously looked around, wishing there was someone to save her. She looked at the ground before meeting Dex's eyes. "I accept." She gulped. "Good now let's have lunch." Ophichus smiled.

After lunch

"So, do you want to do anything?" Dex cam behind her and squeezed her shoulders, making Libra tense up. "No, I'm fine." She said quickly. "Your father said you are staying for the night, and that the wedding will be in a month." He whispered in her ear.

She shivered and wiggled uncomfortably. "Then I should go to my room." Libra got up and tried leaving him, but he didn't let her go. "Hold on, I want you to kiss me." He smirked. "What?! No!" Libra yelled.

Her comment was countered with a harsh slap to the face. "You don't talk to me like that." He hissed. Libra held her hand to the burning spot on her cheek. "Kiss me now." He ordered.

Libra was determined to stay stubborn. "No!" She yelled in his face. This time he grabbed her wrist and squeezed extremely tight, tight enough to leave finger print bruises which would show tomorrow.

"Ow! Your hurting me!" Libra complained. "That's the point, you need to learn how to speak to your king." He had an evil grin. Libra lost control and slapped him in the face. Dex stared in shock but didn't let her go.

He wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed. "You little bitch." He hissed. Libra squirmed for air, she clawed at his hands but he refused to let go. "Alright that's enough." Her father interrupted. Dex let her go and took a step back.

Libra violently coughed and gulped in air. "Libra go to your room." Ophichus ordered. Libra was happy to leave this room and quickly walked away. "You almost killed her." Ophichus growled. "She was getting on my nerves." Dex rolled his eyes.

"I told you to teach her a lesson, I don't want her to end up like your five dead wives." Ophichus was trying not to yell. "Fine." Dex flicked his wrist at Ophichus and walked away.

I know it's short sorry

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