The Beginning

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Kassidy's POV

i boredly played with a ball, throwing it up in the air, softly humming. i was on the top bunk, very annoyed. it was my last day, but apparently dad isn't picking me up until supper time, yay. i rub my eyes, yawning loudly, the ball flung out of my hand. i sat up using my elbows, looking over at my two dufflebags, all packed, good.

so, i guess i should tell you who i am, you know, if I'm going to tell my whole story, might as well start from the beginning...maybe not to the beginning where i was born, maybe...let's say age eight? that seems appropriate.

flashback (age 8)

it was a slightly cold morning in Forks as Bella and i were playing in the falling leaves. we were eight, nine in a few days. i scooped up a pile of leaves and i smile happily. i dump them on Bella, who giggles, pushing me away.

"Jacob! she's being mean to me!" Bella said smirking.

i roll my eyes playfully, of course she'd call Jacob, they're practically married. Jacob picked me up, making me squeak, i twist and turn, trying to get out of his hold.

"daddy! Jacob's being mean to me!" i shouted.

dad came out with uncle Billy followed behind him. i giggled and Jacob just tightens his hold me.

"Jacob, stop, you'll crush the poor girl" Uncle Billy said.

"not likely dad, she is mine" Jacob said cheekily.

"i thought Bella was your's" i said huffing.

"you're both mine, duh" Jacob said.

i turn towards him and lick his face, making him scream and drop me on my butt, hard. i glare at him and stood up.

"dad! she gave me cooties!" Jacob screeched.

"that's what you get" Bella said smirking.

we both did our handshake and Jacob glares at us, puffing out his cheeks in a stupid way. i just smirk at him and he rolls his eyes at me, annoyed.

"come on Jacob, time to go home" Uncle Billy said.

"bye!" Bella and i said waving our hands.

Jacob hugs us and we watch him leave. i look up at daddy and he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Bella, you should probably pack, your mom will be here soon" dad said.

"okay" Bella said.

mom and dad were thinking that Bella and i should be separated for a while, apparently, they didn't want us to depend on each other for the rest of our lives, which is complete and utter baloney if you ask me.

End Flashback

i blink at the ceiling and sat up, rubbing my hair, feeling very annoyed at the world. i hear a knock and i see my supervisor peak his head in and give me a small smile.

"hey Kass, have everything packed?" Ray asked.

i sigh, still very annoyed, but waved my hand towards the two dufflebags. Ray just chuckled and pulled himself up on the top bunk next to me. i glare at him and he just pats my knee. Rayan has been assigned to me since i was brought here (age 13) and trust me at the beginning, we despised each other.

flashback (age 13)

i glare at the wall filled with pictures of all families and kids who got adopted. the door opens and i look at who it was, it was a guy and the naggy old lady that runs this place. Ms. Naggy herself was a pain in the ass, yes, that's right, i said ass, i am a teenager.

"Kassandra, this is your supervisor also known as a mother hen, Rayan Wells" Ms. Naggy said.

"my name is Kassidy" i snapped.

"she's still having a hard time adjusting" Ms. Naggy mumbled.

i sent her the meanest stare i could muster and she looked away and i smirk in happiness. Rayan, who i instantly decided to call Ray, because, you know, who the heck names their kids Rayan, no offense to anyone, anyways, sat next to me and i raise an eyebrow at him.

"yes?" i asked.

"you shouldn't talk to your elders like that" Ray said.

"oh yeah?" i asked.

"yes" Ray said nodding.

"well, no offense, but you're only twenty at the oldest, are you really telling me what i should be doing?" i asked glaring at him.

"see, things like that, will get you in trouble" Ray said.

"well, news for you, i don't like you, so..." i said shrugging.

he glares at me and i glare back just as hard. Ms. Naggy just laughs and shakes her head. i roll my eyes and glare back at her.

"good luck, you'll have your hands full with this one" Ms. Naggy said.

End Flashback

"why are you here?" i asked sighing.

"because, you're like my little sister, i just want to see how you're doing" Ray said.

i narrow my eyes at him and he chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew i knew he was lying, i had this great ability at telling who was telling the truth and who wasn't, call it my super power.

"Ray" i said frowning.

"fine...they want me to do a little check on you to see what your plans are" Ray said.

"you already know what my plans are, I'm going with Charlie" i said.

"about that, Charlie can't make your options are either taking a bus all the way to Forks, or let me drive you" Ray said.

I'll take my chance with the bus" i said frowning.

Ray sighed, but nods his head, he knows it's useless to try and change my mind, making me happy.

"so, why can't good old dad pick me up?" i asked.

"your sister Isabella-" Ray said, but i cut him off.

"Bella" i said.

"Bella, she's moving to Forks too" Ray said.

"why? i thought she was happy with Phil and mother" i said frowning.

"I'm not sure" Ray said.

"okay" i said shrugging.

"alright, get your bags" Ray said.

"okay"i said nodding.

i take my bags and i went to the bus stop and Ray bites his bottom lip. he then gives me a hug and i frown at him, but let him have it little fun, then i push him away. i see the bus pulling up and i put my hood up,

"bye Ray" i said.

"bye Kass" Ray said.

the bus pulls up and i step on, paying the amount needed before finding a seat in back and curling up, looking at the blackened sky.

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