Rest Day

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i woke up with a pounding headache, making me wince, like really bad. i groan gripping my head. i slowly sat up, my vision really blurry. i rub my eyes and stumble to my bathroom. i lean against the door with a whimper. usually i never get sick or feel this weak...but i can't help it. i wash my face and do my morning business. i stumble downstairs and curl up on the arm chair. it was colder down here, thank god. 

"good morning" Bella said. 

i just groan and Bella sat next to me, sighing loudly, very annoyed. i glare at her also, last night wasn't exactly family fun. 


we were sitting down at the table. Charlie had made tacos and we were really quiet. maybe this was a bad idea. i can just tell by looking at Bella, she was annoyed. I don't know what crawled up her panties, but she needs to cool it.  Plus Charlie was just being awkward and didn't know what to do, i feel slightly bad, two teenagers staying with him at the same time, not fun.

"so...Kassidy, any friends at" dad asked. 

"no" i said.

Bella rolls her eyes and i glare at her, fight me, i dare you, i double dog dare you. i huff, looking away,  i didn't realize how much of a bitch my sister has become of lately. 

"Bella, what about you, any friends?" dad asked. 

"yeah, a few people" Bella said. 

i covered up my gagging, obviously she's lying, but i don't get why she would. i can tell she's flustered, so there's probably a group of people...or a guy. 

"I smell bull crap" i mumbled quietly. 

Bella glares at me and i glare right back. we start mouthing very bad names at each other, and dad is oblivious   like usual.  i smirk and threw a few peas at her and she glares at me.  we have a glaring match for a while, until she looks away, making me smirk.

End Flashback

it might not sound bad to you, but Bella does have a mean stare, as do i, so just trust me on that one. i rub my eyes and Bella sighed, standing up. she already had her book bag, please tell me i didn't have to go. 

"dad said stay in bed" Bella said. 

"yay" i said sarcastically. 

i lean back and Bella threw a pillow at me and i threw it back at her and she glares at me, but she leaves, making me smirk. i watch TV for a few hours until i started getting hungry, but of course, i can't cook for shit. 

as if Chuck answered my prayers, there was a knock on the door, oh my chuck, what if it was a pizza guy? i quickly got up and answered it...only to reveal some guy with really long hair, and i mean really long hair.

"sorry, not buying anything today" i said.

i almost closed the door, but he quickly grabbed the door and i gave him a look, really? you wanna be that way.

"it's me!" Fabio wannabe asked. 

"Fabio?" i asked slowly. 

"....Jacob, Jacob Black" Jacob said slowly. 

i blink at him, then threw the door open and wrap my arms around him and he just laughed, hugging me back. Jacob and i were honestly hoes from other bros. i back away and smile wide at him. 

"please tell me you know how to cook?" i asked pouting.

"i can make a mean chicken noodle soup" Jacob said.

"my knight in shining hair" i said kissing his cheek. 

Jacob blushes, but grabs my hand and brings me to the kitchen. i sit on the counter while Jacob starts looking for things to cook.

"okay, I've narrowed it down to two choices" Jacob said. 

"okay, present them" i said cheekily.

"grilled cheese with tomato soup or oven pizza" Jacob said.

"hmmm, I'm feeling the grilled cheese with tomato soup" i said. 

"good choice" Jacob said smiling. 

"duh" i said smiling.

He started cooking while i honestly checked him out. He was pretty hot, long hair included. you can tell he has muscles under that shirt. i bit my bottom lip, okay, I'll admit, Jacob is freaking hot, like oh my lord...not as hot as Dr. Cullen, but god damn fine. i stifle a laugh and Jacob looks at me with a raised eyebrow and i just smile, waving him off. 

"what?" Jacob asked.

"you'd look really good with a man bun"  i said. 

"do i have to bite you?" Jacob asked frowning.

"bite me? I'm not a chew toy, doggy" i said.

"you like me biting you" Jacob said narrowing his eyes at me.

"kinky much?" i asked smirking. 

Jacob glares at me, but i wink, and lean forward, smirking devilishly. Jacob blushes and i wink at him,

"cat got your tongue?" i asked smirking. 

"that dog thing isn't gonna go away, is it?" Jacob asked. 

"oh honey, it's cute how you think it is" i said. 

"are you sure you and Bella are twins?" Jacob asked.

"i want to do a blood test" i said shrugging. 

Jacob laughed loudly and gave me two sandwiches and started working on the tomato soup. i rub my forehead and he began softly humming.

"so, you still have that crush on Bella?" i asked. 

"" Jacob said.

"lair, lair, pants on fire" i sang. 

Jacob rolls his eyes and he stirs the tomato soup, putting salt in there. i rub my eyes and sniffle. i jump from the counter and walk into the living room, sitting on the couch. Jacob joins me a few minutes after.  he sits next to me and i rest my legs on his lap and he pats them. i dip my sandwich in the soup and took a bite of it. 

"you're a godsend" i said.

"i know" Jacob said winking.

he turned the TV on and we settled on Dr. Phil, because...i love it and Jacob knows it. after i was done eating, i lean against him and he just wraps an arm around me and i close my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep. 

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