First Day

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i was up by 5 a.m. the next morning, which would actually surprise a lot of people and i mean a lot of people. i rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. i walk downstairs and start me coffee, i softly hum, cracking a few eggs. i love hearing the sizzle on the pan and i start making me coffee. yes, i said i couldn't cook...but that's was only half true, I'm just lazy, a true lazy person, i would have made me food, but Jacob showed up, so, it was fine. dad walks in and he smiles at me. 

"mornin' Kass" dad said. 

"morning dad" i said. 

i gave him my eggs and i started making new ones. i softly hummed, burning a few, oh well. i hear Bella come down the stairs and walks in, making me turn towards her. we stare at each other, both filled annoyance and hate.

"yes, little sister?" i asked.

"we're twins" Bella said. 

"that's what the younger twin always says" i said.

Bella just glares at me and i smirk and continuing to cook my breakfast. i even was nice and made Bella some eggs. she only eyed them and took small nibbles, bitch. i roll my eyes and finish my breakfast. i grab my bag and Bella practically rushed me out, making me hate her even more, might i add. 

"who's driving, me or you?" i asked curiously.

i hope it wasn't me, big fact about me, i don't know how to drive, and in all honesty, i don't want to learn, i hate cars.

"obviously me, it is my car" Bella said.

i just want to kill her, and not quickly either. i just glare at her and get into the car, looking out the window. Bella get's in and starts driving. i mess with the radio, then i smirk, stopping when One Direction came on. I'll admit, i do love One Direction, but at least it's not the Kardashians! Bells groans when they start singing and i just smirk, softly humming along. 

"change it" Bella said.

"eyes on the road" i said. 

Bella huffed, but rolled down her window, letting the cold air in, making me glare at her, i hate the cold, i get even colder then the average person, like you'll see me wearing a hoodie in August, it's sad, but true.

"so, have you talked to mom lately?" Bella asked. 

"no, why would i?" i asked frowning.

"mom misses you" Bella said. 

"no offense Bells, but she's the reason i was sent away, she's the last person I'd want to talk to" i mumbled.

it was quiet for the rest of the ride, thank god, i didn't need all the touch feely stuff, i had enough of that to last me a life time at that girl's home. Bella pulls into the parking lot and parks and she turns the car off and we both get out. Bella was looking for someone and i frown, who was she looking for? i raise an eyebrow at her and she just shook her head at me. 

"people are staring at you" Bella said rolling her eyes.

i look around, huh, they were. i look down at my outfit and narrow my eyes, i wasn't being that slutty looking, was i? i was just in a tight v-neck sweater, a black vest, leggings, and some boots. i shrug my shoulders, not really seeing the problem either. i smirk at the group of jocks checking me out and wink at them. they look away, looking flustered, huh, I'd imagine they'd do something different. Bella just left me and i roll my eyes and went to go find the main office. 

after about ten minutes, i give up, for a small town, their school was pretty damn big, why does it need to be that big? did every teacher have their own plot room? i roll my eyes and lean against the wall, I'll just wait. i see a guy and quickly walk up to him. i tap his shoulder and he looks at me, seeming surprised. 

"hi, sorry for being weird and crap, but I'm looking for the office, i am lost, and i am not ashamed, your school is too big for a small town, i mean, what meaning does it have? any who, can you show me?" i asked.

he slowly looks at me, but slowly nods his head, not really sure why i was even talking to him, what? did i have something in my teeth? maybe. i run my tongue over my teeth and frown, nothing there. 

"uh, sure, you're actually on the other side and at the top floor..." the guy said.

i finally take his appearance in and i almost have a freaking heart attack, holy mother of god, what is up with the weird hot people in this town? like the light golden hair, or the piercing gold eyes! they're gorgeous. he was pretty fast, lucky i was faster, so i was able to keep even pace with him. 

"I'm Kassidy Swan, by the way" i said. 

"...Jasper Hale" Jasper said.

"cool, so, any siblings? i have a nasty twin sister" i said smiling.

"...four" Jasper said. 

"oh god, i am so sorry" i said. 

"we're close" Jasper said shrugging.

"lucky, my twin hates me...her name's Bella" i said.

"ah, my brother knows her" Jasper said.

"cool, are they like, together or is it just friends only type of thing?" i asked curiously.

i may act like i don't give two craps about my sister, but truth is, i love her to bits, it's just her that doesn't love me. she made that clear a long time ago. 

"...i think they're more aquatints." Jasper said.

"ah" i said nodding. 

Jasper stops outside class door and i see a big, bright yellow sign that says office and i mentally smack myself, really? why me? i turn to Jasper and he's already look at me, his golden eyes looking into mine, making it hard to breath.

"it was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Swan" Jasper said. 

what surprised me was that he actually grabbed my hand and kissed it, making my cheek warm...was everyone like that around here? 

"i...i should go" i said softly.

Jasper just smirks at me before walking away, waving to me as he left. once he out of sight, i just did a little dance, i open the office door and walk into the office. the old lady looks at me 

"hello dear, how can i help you?" the woman asked.

"hi, I'm new, Kassidy Swan" i said, offering an awkward smile. 

"oh my, you sure are grown now, here you are dear" the woman said. i look at my schedule and thoughtfully hum, i only had one class with Bella and lucky me, it was science. i went to my first hour, which was music. great. 

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