Health Problems

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i stare at the black monitor and bit my bottom lip. i was in the hospital because Carlisle wanted a good look at my heart. 

"okay, you can strip from your shirt and bra, if you don't mind" the nurse said. 

i nod my head and started stripping my upper half, not really bothered by the nurse. i laid down and she rested a towel over my breast and laid a sheet over me. 

"Dr. Cullen will be in shortly" the nurse said before leaving. 

i sigh, rolling my shoulders back. the door creaks open and Jasper sneaks in. i raise an eyebrow at him, but he just sits next to me, looking at my fingers that are messing with the cover. 

"aren't you supposed to be in school?" i asked pouting.

"skip day, i didn't feel like it" Jasper said.

"at least you have the choice" i mumbled.

"you want to go to school?" Jasper asked amused. 

"it's better than being in a stuffy hotel" i said pouting. 

"point" Jasper said nodding.

the door opens and Bella walks in and i gave her a nod and she just sets a folder on the counter. i raise an eyebrow at her, then glance at Jasper, who stands up. 

"I'll go get you something to drink" Jasper mumbled and left, closing the door.

"'s school been?" i asked.

"usual" Bella said.

", just here to bring me my homework?" i asked.

"...have you seen Edward?...Dr. Cullen's son" Bella said.

"...yes...Bella, do you like him?" i asked teasingly. 

"...a little, just a little" Bella said.

i tilted my head and smirk happily and nod my head. Bella was flustered, that much i could tell. i sat up and softly hummed.

"so, did you make a move yet?" i asked.

"" Bella said.

"come on Bells, go and get him" i said teasingly. 

Bella stands up and rolls her eyes, but gave me a quick hug before leaving. i lean against my pillows and Jasper and Carlisle walk in and i raise an eyebrow at him. 

"let's get to it" Carlisle said.

i lay down and Flinch slightly as he put the cool jelly on my skin. Jasper held my hand and was watching with curious eyes on the screen. there was a lot of gray but also a lot of blues and yellows, some red.

"so?" i asked.

"hmmm" Carlisle hummed.

"Carlisle" Jasper said frowning.

Carlisle kept moving over my chest and even slid down to my stomach. i frown and Jasper grasped my hand tightly.

"...Kassidy, you will stay in the hospital for a little while longer, okay?" Carlisle asked.

"why? what's wrong?" i asked, slightly nervous.

"...your's in a dangerous place right now and I'm not sure surgery will help" Carlisle said slowly.

"I'm going to die?" i squeaked.

Jasper just gripped my hand, trying to calm me down, i bit my bottom lip tightly. Carlisle rested a hand on my knee.

"...there's a chance, so we have to put you under very good care...Kassidy, i don't know what will happen because of your changes" Dr. Cullen said.

"so there's only a fifty fifty chance that I'll live" i said softly.

"yes..." Carlisle said quietly. 

Jasper just stormed out of the room and i sadly look away, feeling depressed. Carlisle sits next to me and squeezes my hands tightly. 

"Kassidy...if you end up dying, but also living...I'm not sure what will happen with your family" Carlisle said softly.

i stare at my lap, tears in my eyes, knowing i had to make a choice, if i did survive...would i pretend to still be human and make everyone thing i died? tears went down my cheeks and i bit my bottom lip.

"i...we'll tell them i died" i whispered.

"alright" Carlisle said softly. 

he leaned forward and kissed my forehead, my tears  coming faster and faster. my body shook and i covered my mouth, trembling. 

"Kassidy, calm down, now" Carlisle whispered softly. 

i noticed the lights were flickering and the things were shaking and i stare at Carlisle, afraid. Carlisle calmly squeezed my hands tighter and i shut my eyes, taking deep breathes. after a while, i open my eyes and i look around, everything was calm now and i lean back, biting my bottom lip.

"so, i can what? control objects?" i asked scoffing. 

"...i won't know until later...get some rest" Carlisle said.

"that's the thing...i try to sleep, i really do, but i can't" i said sadly.

"...uh must be another thing added" Carlisle said. 

"what am i supposed to do?" i asked. 

"" Carlisle offer.

"will you be my binge buddy?" i asked sweetly.

" thank you, but I'm sure one of the other's would love to" Carlisle said winking. 

he walked out of the room and i roll my eyes, pouting, but snuggling into a few pillows. i sigh, grabbing my laptop. i turn on Supernatural and end up watching ten episodes and i notice the sun coming through, making me groan. 

"Kassidy, your father is coming" Edward my mind.

'stoppppp' i thought groaning.

i quickly put my laptop on the table near me and pretend i was sleeping. i hear the door jingle and i hear the door open. pretend to be softly snoring. i feel his warm hand on my forehead, pushing my hair back.

"jesus, she's freezing, baby, wake up" dad said nervously. 

i slowly open my eyes and look at dad, who looked worried and i gave him a small smile. he 'helps' me sit up and i took a drink of it. 

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" dad asked softly. 

i nod my head, rubbing my eyes. Carlisle was behind him, staring at me. i focus on dad, hearing his heart beat. thump. thump. thump. i shut my eyes tightly and lean my head against his shoulder and i shut my eyes tightly.

"Charlie, i need to talk to you, now" Carlisle said quickly, noticing my hunger.

"sure, okay sweet heart, get some more sleep" dad said softly, kissing my forehead.

i nod my head, laying back down and closing my eyes. i feel him squeeze my hand before following Carlisle out of the room. the door opens again and i see it's Jacob, making me smile. 

"hey stranger" i said. 

" look like crap" Jacob said. 

"aw, thank you" i said rolling my eyes.

he sat next to me and i lean against him, snuggling into him. he kissed my forehead, softly humming. 

"can i get a kiss, please?" i asked softly.

"sure" Jacob said smiling.

he kisses me lightly on the lips and i kiss back. i lean back, taking him with me. one of his hands grip my hip and the other is tangled into my hair. he softly moans, coming closer to me. i happily oblige and my nails lights run down his chest.

"mmmm, Bella" Jacob mumbled.

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