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i cross my arms and stare at Edward. we were at a field, the others were playing around and i was just silently judging Edward with a fierce stare. Edward just gives me a little smirk and i roll my eyes at him.

"you're different than your sister" Edward said.

"in what way? the looks, the wit, the charm, oh, but you can't forget me being half vampire, half whatever" i said smirking. 

"every way you just listed, which is good" Edward said. 

"why? so you won't fall for me?" i asked teasingly. 

"you're not my type" Edward said looking amused.

"news flash sweet heart, I'm everyone's type" i said cheekily.

"especially Jasper's" Emmett said teasingly. 

i glare at him and Jasper threw him on the ground with an annoyed huff. a girl looks amused and she smiles sweetly at me. she walks over to me and wraps an arm around my hip. 

"I'm Alice, Jasper's mate and wife...but i can share" Alice said teasingly. 

she groped my ass, making me jump from her, looking at her with wide eyes as she skipped away to a glaring Jasper. i touch my butt and then stare at Edward.

"that's sexual harassment" i whined. 

"she's serious, now come on" Edward said.

i roll my eyes, but cracked my neck, getting ready to see what he's got...I'm going to lose, but oh well. 

"run at me" Edward said. 

"run at you?" i asked confused.

"come on, run at me and try to push me down" Edward said. 

i frown, but backed up a bit then ran at him, but before  i could even get even a inch from him, he slammed me down on the ground, making me gasp for air. i glare at him with the nastiest look ever and he just winks at me.

"hate you" i mumbled. 

"get up" Edward said. 

"if you say please" i said sarcastically. 

"now" Edward said.

i huff, but stood up, getting ready to lunge again, here we go. i ran at him and he flipped me over and i groan. i glare at him and sit up, huffing. 

"you need to be faster" Edward said. 

"i'd be faster if you just stayed still" i grumbled. 

"come on, come at me" Edward said. 

i stood up and began walking away, he was being annoyed and i was tired, really tired. i wonder if they have bed or not.

"i guess you were right, Bella is better than you" Edward said.

i stopped and everyone else stopped, did he really just say that. i ball up my fist and glare darkly at the ground. 

"Edward" Jasper warned.

"no, if she can't simply push me to the ground, then she really isn't worth training" Edward said. 

"...Kassidy, are you going to just stand there or are you going to beat his ass?" Rosalie asked bored. 

"I'll do one better" i said smirking evilly. 

i turn towards him and he frowns, i start stalking towards him, my smirk getting darker and dark, Edward frowns, trying to read me. 

"I'll tell Bella you aren't into her and you kissed Jasper" i said evilly.

"why am i in trouble?" Jasper mumbled. 

Edward narrowed his eyes at me and i just smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. we have a stare off, seeing who will back down first. 

"i think you're buffing" Edward said. 

i pull my phone out and dial Bella's number, putting it on speaker, Edward was studying me, his eyes narrowed. Rose looks impressed, yay.

"I'm in class today" Bella hissed.

"sorry Bells, i just wanted you to know that your man crush-" i said, but Edward cut me off, grabbing my phone with a scowl. 

"fine, I'm sorry" Edward hissed. 

i smirk and grab my phone back and fall onto the ground, looking at the clouds. 

"you know, Jacob Black" i said cheekily. 

Edward stares at me with wide eyes and i just smirk happily, Bella just huffed at me and hung up, making me pout.

"i don't see why you're so moody, I'm the weird freak here" i said. 

"you're not a freak, just different" Alice said pouting.

she lays next to me and i yawn, rubbing my eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted. Jasper just helps me stand up and picks me up, making me pout.

"come on, bed time"  Jasper said.

"it's only seven" i mumbled.

"bed time" Jasper said.

in a second we were in his room and he laid me on his bed and i snuggle into his pillows, closing my eyes. he stroked my hair back and kissed my cheek. 

"good night darlin'" Jasper said softly. 

"g'night" i mumbled. 

i slowly fell into a light sleep, feeling calm and happy for once. 


i was walking through the forest again, but i was in front of a cabin. i sit on the stars and stare out at the lake, it was almost morning, but i couldn't sleep at all tonight. Bella sat next to me and she held my hand.

"they'll be back" Bella said.

"...i hope so" i said quietly.

i trace the "A" and "J" on my wrist, they both had a "k" on their's. our bond was something special and they left us, and even though Bella is hopeful, i have my own doubts that we'll actually ever see them again.


i woke up with a start, sitting up and gasping. i grip the sheets and felt calm thoughts wash over me. i look at Jasper, who was standing in the door way. 

"you okay darlin'?" Jasper asked.

"bad dream" i mumbled.

"wanna talk about it?" Jasper asked.

i just shook my head and Jasper sits next to me, lacing his fingers through mine and i look at him, feeling protected and safe.

"well, I'm always an open ear" Jasper said. 

i nod my head and just lean into him, closing my eyes, breathing deep and watching to be distracted. i smell food, making my stomach growl.

"so you  can eat human food too? interesting" Jasper said softly. 

"I'm an interesting person" i said shrugging.

"that is too true for words" Jasper said smirking.

i laugh lightly, but stood up and Jasper lead me to the kitchen, so i can eat to my hearts desire. 

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