Blood Lust

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my eyes open wide, staring at the ceiling, my heart was racing, beat, beat, beat, that's all i could hear. i look around and see that Jacob was still sleeping, he...his heart, it sounded wonderful. i lean in close and took a smell and i froze, he smelled sweet. my mouth watered and i quickly got out of bed...he, i could smell his blood, oh god. this is what Jasper had told me about, right?

i quickly tug on some pants and a t-shirt and opened the window, the sky was becoming lighter, i didn't have a lot of time. i quickly look down, thirty foot drop, yay. i hope i have some type of abilities to land, hopefully like a cat. i hear Jacob's heart start beating more and i knew he was gonna get up soon. i quickly jump out, ready to either die or run. 

i actually landed on my feet, thank god no one is around. i didn't stay around too long, i just quickly ran, i needed something or someone...i was thirsty, really thirsty. i lean against the tree, gasping for air, it seemed like i had a small limit of it. i grip my chest, looking around. i hear birds chirping and the wind blowing. 

i sniff someone near by, oh god, they were delicious. i quickly ran, but it was only a second. i hide behind a tree, peaking at the guy. he leaning over, he's a jogger...he looks really nice and juicy. i quickly ran past him, pushing him on the ground. he looks around, seeming confused. i quickly ran at him again, before someone slammed me on the ground. i quickly got up and growled loudly. 

Emmett and Jasper were there, in front of the jogger, some guy was with the jogger, making me mad. i tried running to the jogger again, but Emmett grabs me, gripping me to his chest. i scream, trying to get out of his hold. 

"calm down, now" Emmett snapped.

"get off me!" i screamed.

"calm down" Jasper said. 

my anger washed away and i started tearing up, i didn't like this, i hated it...i wanted to drink, i was starving. 

"shhhh, calm down" Jasper said. 

"I'm hungry" i whimpered.

 the guy left with the jogger and Emmett slowly set me down and i just fell to the dirty ground and stared up at the sky, i ignored my sparkling skin and stare angry at the tree. 

"'s Jacob's fault" i said after a moment. 

"isn't the kid from La Pushe?" Emmett asked frowning.

"he came to visit her yesterday" Jasper said.

"oh...ew" Emmett said. 

"we kissed" i said awkwardly.

"you kissed him?" Jasper asked, looking slightly annoyed.

"what? he's into my sister so i dared him to kiss me, i didn't think he'd actually do it" i said shrugging. 

"do you like him?" Jasper asked frowning.

"...half like like" i said slowly. 

"but he's interested in Bella" Emmett said confused. 

"so is Edward" i said frowning.

"look, we need you to stay at our house, it isn't safe" Emmett said. 

i roll my eyes, but nod in agreement, looks like Jacob isn't getting that date after all. i hear someone walking towards us and ignored him, he let my food get away. 

"he wasn't your food" the guy said. 

i turn towards the guy and glare at him sharply, very annoyed at him. like, boy, shut up. i just glare at him and he looks amused. he looks slightly familiar, i wonder if I've seen him at school he the one that saved Bella? i wonder how strong he is...i bet he can build a house by himself...i want a cabin. 

"are you going to lay there all day?" the guy asked.

"obviously, until i can get something to eat" i said. 

"get up, we'll get you something" Emmett said. 

Jasper held his hand out and i took it and he pulled me up. my head felt light and i stumbled, Jasper steadying me. 

"you still have a heart beat" Emmett said chuckling.

"okay?" i asked confused. 

"okay, come on" the guy said. 

"what's your name?" i asked.

"Edward" Edward said.

"ohhhh, you're the guy that has been gone, we're music partners" i said.

"i see, so you and Bella are twins?" Edward asked. 

"we share blood, that's all" i said.

"so you do not like each other?" Edward asked.

"old news, they almost got into it the other day ago" Emmett said smiling. 

"really?" Edward asked.

"it's nothing new, we grew up apart, her with her mother and me at some stupid school" i said. 

"i see" Edward said nodding. 

i sit on a log and they started looking around for food. i see birds...i feel like that would be a small shot of food. i bit my bottom lip and stood up. i walk around and see a bunny. i quickly grabbed it and it squirmed. 

"how am i suppose to drink this?" i asked groaning.

"kill it" Edward said.

"i feel like his family will attack me" i grumbled. 

Emmett rolled his eyes at me and quickly grabbed it and cracked it neck, oh that poor baby. i pout and Emmett gave me the bunny. 

" do i drink it?" i asked. 

they all share a look, and i pouted, i was being serious. I'm a vegan, i don't know how to eat meat, it's weird. 

"just bite into it" Jasper said. 

Emmett tossed me dead Thumper and i study it, i decided to bite into it's stomach, it looks the fattest. i sniff it and frowned. i lightly bit into it and something sweet filled my mouth...holy crap.i continue to drink, closing my eyes happily. too soon it ended and i pout, looking at the guys. 

"here" Edward said, tossing me a freak deer.

i stare at him in bewilderment...he wanted me to drink from that? oh god, not bambi too. i groan, but bite into it's neck and continue to drink. as long as i can get control over this, I'll be fine. 

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