Jacob's Visit

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i was laying in my bed, feeling exhausted, i haven't slept in the past forty two hours and i was wondering how long i was gonna last. Carlisle was also worried, saying that it could be due to my changing. i close my eyes and felt like i was about to fall asleep, then there was a knock. i groan, but open my eyes, looking at who dared interrupt my almost sleep. 

"hey sleeping beauty, brought chunky brownie ice cream" Jacob said softly.

"awwww, bae" i said smiling.

he walked up over to me, setting flowers next to the few other vases and nudged me over, making me smile warmly at him. he gave me a spoon and he opened it and started digging in. Jacob grabbed my laptop and put on Botched. i lean against him, watching the episode.

"so, you make a move on Bella yet?" i mumbled, my mouth full of ice cream.

"what?" Jacob asked, confused. 

"you make a move on Bella?" i asked swallowing.

"no, i don't like her like that" Jacob said blushing.

i roll my eyes at him playfully, knowing the he did, in fact, like Bella, way more then a normal crush. 

"oh come on, I won't tell her" i said smiling.

"Kass, she likes the Cullen guy, Edward" Jacob said rolling his eyes.

"oh stop being jealous, it's a nasty  look on your face" i said teasingly.

"...what if i don't like Bella, what if i like you?" Jacob asked frowning. 

i raise an eyebrow at him, curious if he was being serious or not. i smirk and took another bite of ice cream and swallow it.

"then kiss me" i said.

"what?" Jacob asked.

"kiss me" i said. 

"if you like me more than Bella, kiss me" i said shrugging.

Jacob bit his bottom lip, leaning towards me. i stare at him, daring him to kiss me. his lips almost kissed me, but stopped. he stared at me and i couldn't help but smile. 

"see?" i asked teasingly. 

Jacob huffed and he pressed his hand to the back of my neck and brought me forward and kissed me. i froze, but slowly melted into the kiss. i kiss him back, testing the waters. my fingers gripped his arm and tilted my head. his other hand rest on my hip and pulls me closer. i softly hum and tilted my head, loving the woodsy smell he had. 

i can feel my heart swell and it made me smile happily, i like Jacob, he was nice and caring and didn't see me as Bella's sister. he knew how i was and he embraced it instead of changing it. i feel something to buzz and Jacob slowly pulls away, making me blush. i just rest my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. his arms were wrapped tightly around me and i close my eyes. 

"i kissed you" Jacob said softly. 

"you did" i said quietly. 

"i didn't think kissing you would feel that good" Jacob said jokingly. 

i lightly hit his chest and yawn, feeling more exhausted then ever. he just ran his fingers over my back and i close my eyes, falling into peaceful sleep. 


i ran through the forest, something chasing me. i ran through the forest, feeling terrified. i ran through, my feet are barefoot and feeling small rocks and branches stick into them, i ignore the pain and continue running. i reach a cliff and i look down and see the ocean and sharp pointy rocks. i look at the guy and back down at the ocean. the chaser finally steps into the light.

"Jacob?" i asked.


my eyes snap open and i sit up, breathing hard. i look next to me and see Jacob, he was snoring softly and his head buried in pillows. i look at my phone, i actually slept three hours? go me. i smirk and rub my eyes. the door opens and Carlisle peaks his head in.

"how is the patient...who is he?" Carlisle asked frowning.

"a friend" i said yawning. 

"it's late, maybe wake him?" Carlisle asked.

"why? i can share a bed" i said rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm well aware of that, but i don't think your father would be happy about that" Carlisle said.

"Emmett told me Edward watches Bella sleep" i said frowning. 

Carlisle looks slightly annoyed and i stand up, putting the empty ice cream bowl on the table. we walk into the hall way and i sigh.

"look...I'm changing into something...not right, and i just to have this little moment of normality, okay?" i asked softly. 

"make sure he's out by dawn, unless you want him to mistaken you as shiny stick" Carlisle said. 

i stare at him and laugh playfully and shrug my shoulders, knowing he had a point. i just pat his shoulder and leave, going back to my room. i close the door and walk to the bed. Jacob rubs his eyes and sits up a little bit. 

"what's up?" Jacob mumbled.

"bathroom" i said. 

he lifted up the cover and i got back into bed, curling up to him and he just wraps his arms tightly around me. his warm hands rubbing my back, making me sleepy again. 

"good night"Jacob whispered.

"night" i mumbled. 

i close my eyes and feel his lips on my forehead and i yarn, nuzzling my face into his neck, i kiss his neck lightly and he tighten his hold on me. 

"you're really warm" i whispered.

"and you're freezing, jesus" Jacob said.

i bit my lip nervously, but just tightly my hold on his arms, i open my eyes and stare at him, he leaned down and pecked me on the lips and i smile at him. 

"do you mind if we keep this between us?" Jacob asked.

i frown, raising an eyebrow, did he not want anyone knowing about us? i get that I'm not the most polite girl, no that's Bella, the girl everyone loves. 

"...i just don't want people butting in where they aren't needed...okay?" Jacob asked.

"you better text me and visit me every day" i said frowning.

"promise" Jacob said.

 i pout and put my pinky out and Jacob just laughs  and connected his pinky. i kiss my thumb and he kisses his and we press out thumbs together.

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