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for the past week, i ignored Bella, barely came home, i usually stayed with Matt. right now, i was simply sitting on the couch, finishing all my homework. yes, i know, shocking, but for your information, i happen to be a straight -A student. Matt sat next to me and rested an arm over the back of the couch. 

"what subject?" Matt asked. 

"math" i grumbled.

"ew" Matt said.

"ew indeed" i mumbled. 

"come on, let's go drink" Matt said.

"no, i have to finish this" i mumbled.

"aw, please? come on" Matt said pouting. 

i roll my eyes at him and put my homework in my book bag. i turn towards him and frown. he was pretty drunk already. it actually made me a little uncomfortable. my phone rang and i look at the ID, relaxing when i see it was just Ray. 

"i have to take this" i said. 

"yes ma'am" Matt said giggling. 

i roll my eyes and walk out of the room. i push talk on my phone and press it to my ear. 

"hey Ray" i said. 

"Kassidy Ann Swan, where are you?" Ray asked sternly. 

"what do you mean?" i asked. 

"i am at your house, right now. your dad is worried sick and Isabella...i mean Bella is worried too" Ray said. 

"oh Ray, i know when you are lying, but i will tell you where i am" i said. 

"deal" Ray said.

"I'm at the run down bar, I'll be waiting outside" i said.

i hung up and grabbed my book bag and left, not even sparing another look at Matt, who needed him? i walk outside and began walking down the road, softly humming. i didn't need anyone, i can take care of myself. 

while i was walking, i realized i was in the woods...why does Forks have to have so many woods? i mean, like, why? did all the little creatures have a little army from people grabbing them?


i was sitting on my bed, i had gotten in a fight earlier with some of the older girls here. i had frozen peas over my right eye that was swollen pretty bad. it's not my fault, they were talking about how my family would never come back for me. i got mad and punch her, which made her friends made and they started beating on me. there was a knock on the door and i quickly hid under the covers, none of the adults knew, and I'd like to keep it that way. 

"I'm coming in"  Ray said. 

i hear the door open the heavy foot steps. the bed sunk in and he rested his hand on my back. i bit my bottom lip, trying not to cry. I'm fourteen, i shouldn't be crying, god i feel weak. 

"Kass? one of the smaller kids told me you got into a fight" Ray said sighing.

i didn't want Ray to see me cry, he was like a brother to me and to cry in front of him is like failing him in some way. i feel him tug on the blanket and i gripped it tightly. he sighs, but yanks it off, making me squeak. 

"jesus, who did that?" Ray asked annoyed.

"no one" i mumbled.

"do not lie to me" Ray said sternly.

"just some of the older girls" i mumbled.

"come on, sit up, let me see that shiner" Ray said. 

i sat up and he looks at my face and sighed. he grabbed the frozen, well now slightly mushy peas and set them on my side table. 

"tell me what happened?" Ray asked. 

"...this girl was telling me how my family wasn't coming back for me" i said quietly. 

"and you believed her?" Ray asked. 

"yeah...i mean, come on, I've already been here almost a year, only dad has visited mom doesn't care about me" i said quietly. 

"...yeah, well, some people have crappy moms, but your dad loves you" Ray said. 

"i know..." i whispered. 

" know, you can't rely on everyone all the time, right? some time you have to depend on yourself and get through the situation, you did that today, going against those older girls, next time, come and get me, okay?" Ray asked.

"okay" i said quietly. 

"good girl, now, let me go get you some new peas" Ray said. 

End Flashback

i look up at the sky and bit my bottom lip. it was nice, cool day. i yawn, trying not tear up. i walk up at a gas station and went in. i grab a bag of chips and walk out. i see a group of guys, trying to look "thug" and they were failing hilariously. 

"hey sweetcheeks" a guy said.

"get the hell away from me before i kick you where the sun doesn't shine" i said rolling my eyes.

i feel one of them grab my arm and i quickly punched him in the nose, hearing a satisfying crack. one of the guys pushed me and i fell into another guy's chest. he grabs my wrist and held them behind my back. one of the guys punched me in the stomach, knocking all the air out of me. i lean forward, trying to breath. 

i struggled, trying to get out of their hold, but one of their hands yank my head up by my hair and smirked, punching me in the jaw, making me wince in pain. i spit in the guy's face and he backed up slightly, then pushed me on the ground kicking me. 

"hey!" Ray hollered. 

he pushed the guys away and he got a few good punches, making the guys run off. i groan and he kneels down in front of me. 

"you okay kid?" Ray asked.

"better than ever, old man" i mumbled. 

he helped me stand up and i wince. great, looks like I'm going to have bruises everywhere. i groan, gripping my stomach.

"have you taken your meds lately?" Ray asked.

"more or less" i mumbled.

he sighed, looking annoyed. he opened the passenger door and helped me inside. he buckled my seat belt and closed the door. i lean back into the seat, closing my eyes. my body ached really bad.Ray got in the car and he starts it. the radio turns on and sound of some old school country song comes on and i relax. 

"what hospital is the nearest?" Ray asked.

"Forks" i mumbled.

i was feeling really dizzy, i coughed harshly and groaned. i felt something liquid out of my mouth and i hear Ray cursed.

"jesus, kid, what have i told you about fighting large groups of people without backup" Ray said sighing. 

"you're the one that said i need self reliance, old man" i hissed. 

"oh shut it, those were grown men" Ray said. 

"at least not snotty nosed kids" i mumbled. 

"just shut up" Ray said sternly.

i close my eyes tightly and felt myself getting really light headed, not feeling good at all. it felt like too much, my neck was killing me, my heart was beating way too fast, my breathing was shallow, and i was coughing up blood, body goals right there. 

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