Becoming Friends with the Bitchy Blonde

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It's annoying when you're new and the guy that's your music partner is in freaking Alaska, i mean, seriously? that is crap. i huff, people were being too loud, so i stand up, storming to the freaking teacher. he flinches and looks nervously at me. 

"y-yes, Ms. Swan?" the teacher asked. 

"since my partner won't be here for the rest of the week, instead of practicing, I'd like to go to the library, i need to finish filling out paperwork" i said lying through my teeth.

i was a good liar, a lot of people always thought i was telling the truth. i once even talked myself from being accused of was only half my fault, but what they don't know won't hurt them. 

"y-yes, of course, y-you can spend the rest of the week there" the teacher said. 

i just smirk and walk out of the class, wondering around the large/giant high school. i look at the athletic cases, not many trophies, but enough to see they can win if they're any good. walk down a flight of stairs and keep going until I'm outside. i sit down on some benches. i look around and see a blonde that could pass as a model. i hum thoughtfully, i walk over to her, might as well try to make new friends. 

"hi" i said smirking.

The blonde looks at me, looking very annoyed, oh god, is she one of those girls who think they are better than everyone. 

"I'm Kassidy Swan" i said.

"you're related to Bella" the girl said. 

she wasn't asking, she knew for a fact. did my sister already make enemies? impressive. i just smirk and flip my hair over my shoulder. 

"don't worry you little blonde head of yours, all we share is blood" i said smirking.

The girl stares at me, her eyes studying every little aspect of me, i just wink at her playfully and she rolls her eyes, but i can see a hint a of smile, yes! i made the queen bitch smile, score one for me! 

"i can tell, you two don't look a like in the slightest" The girl said rolling her eyes.

"exactly, we're fraternal twins" i said. 

"hmmm, good thing, i can't stand her" the girl said.

"agreed, but as much as i love bashing about Bella, it's rude to not tell people your name" i said pouting playfully.

"Rosalie Hale" Rose said. 

"Hale? oh my god, i met your brother, Jazzy boy, he's a flirty one" i said smirking. 

"Jazzy....?" Rose asked, looking slightly confused and amused. 

"you're brother, Jasper" i said smirking. 

"oh...he flirted with you?" Rose asked.

"yeah...i didn't think i was that irresistible, but hot damn, he's gorgeous" i said smirking. 

Rose just laughs, not sure if i should take that offensive or not. i smirk and did a little dance, which made her laugh a little more. 

"ha, I'm going to be your new best friend Rosie, darling" i said.  

"that's hilarious, really...but I'm not wanting to make friends, sadly" Rose said rolling her eyes.

"but Rosie!" i whined. 

"Rosie? you're lucky i don't feel like killing anyone today" Rose said rolling her eyes.

"like you could kill me" i said smirking evilly. 

"you doubt me?" Rose asked smirking.

 i could see the challenge in her eyes and i absolutely love it. i smirk, staring at her, her eyes widen slightly before looking away. 

"you're eyes are weird" Rose said.

"oh, the whole blue and gold thing? yeah, no idea about that yet" i said shrugging. 

Rose just hummed in thought and i see a freaking giant walking over to us, making me hum in curiosity, another oddly handsome brother or maybe a boyfriend...i wouldn't be sure. 

"Rose...who's this?" the guy asked.

"a leech" Rose said.

"that's hilarious Rosie, darling" i said swatting shoulder lightly. 

She glares at me, ha, if only looks can kill. i smirk, standing up and putting my hand out for him to shake. 

"Kassidy Swan, fraternal and older twin to Bella, but of course, I'm the better Swan" i said. 

the guy just smiles wide and shakes my hand excitedly i could tell we would get along just fine. he looks at Rose, smirking. 

"Rosie?" The guy asked.

"shut it"  Rose hissed.

"stop being such a bitch, it's not nice" i said. 

"I'm not nice" Rose said frowning. 

"babe, stop being mean, you finally make a friend and you're pushing her away? i like her!' the guy said pouting. 

"Emmett, shut up, please" Rose said rubbing her forehead.

"don't worry, she's just in a mood, my brother is in Alaska"  the guy, who i think is Emmett said. 

"who are you and who's your brother?" i asked. 

"oh! I'm Emmett Cullen, my brother is Edward" Emmett said. 

"aw, well small world, Emmy, Eddie boy is my partner" i said pouting. 

Emmett just laughs at my name and he sat next to us on the bench. i look through my bag and grabbed a snickers i had just remembered about. 

"so, how'd you two meet?" i asked.

 "we live together" Emmett said. 

"oh cool, are you like a runaway lovers?" i asked curiously.

they both share a look, as if i was stupid or honestly just clueless. i just smile in apology and shrug my shoulders. 

"we live with our adopted parents" Rose said.

"oh, cool, who's your parents?" i asked.

"Esme Hale and Carlisle Cullen" Emmett said. 

"hold your little phone, Carlisle Cullen as in Dr. Cullen?" i asked, shell shocked.

i mean, i guess that explains why Jasper, Rose, and Emmett are so freaking gorgeous, and i bet that this Edward fellow is just attractive. i honestly wanted to lunge at him and hug him, because, yes, i can see Dr. Cullen again without making me seem like a stalker.

"how many Carlisle Cullen do you know?" Emmett asked.

"none" i said shrugging. 

Rose just stares at me, looking as through she wants to ask about my sanity, but thinks better of it and just sipped her water. The bell rang and i groan.

"looks like i have science now, bye" i mumbled. 

i stood up and made my way inside, after a few minutes, i realize i had freaking clue where it's at. i look out the window and Rose and Emmett were gone, darn.

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