Change Is Good Or Bad?

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i was still in the hospital, but it was a couple days passed. right now, i was on my laptop, watching Supernatural. i yawn and curl up more. there was a knock on the door and i paused the episode. the door creaked open and Jasper peaked his head in and gave me a timid look.

"oh, hey Jassy" i said.

he raised an eyebrow at the nickname, but walk in, closing the door quietly behind him. he quickly strides to the blinds and shut them, making me frown. 

"you're sparkling" Jasper said. 

i look down at my hand and lightly put it towards the sun and i widen my eyes in wonder as my skin 

"great, it looks like a unicorn puked on me" i said frowning.

"...wouldn't it be colorful then?" Jasper asked.

i stare at him in thought, but then slowly nod my head in agreement. i push my laptop away and sit criss cross and stare at Jasper.

"are you craving anything?" Jasper asked. 

i stare at the ground in thought, there were multiple things i wanted right now, like a salad...or cake! cake would be good. 

"cake" i said.

"not blood?" Jasper asked.

"no" i said shaking my head.

"okay, i can go get you food" Jasper said. 

he then leaned down and pecked me cheek, making me jump slightly and stare at him in confusion, he just smirks and walks out of the room...boys are confusing. i slowly stood up, my legs are slightly wobbly. i walk to the window and sit down on the small ledge, Carlisle (he said i need to start calling him by his first name now, since we're basically family now) said it would be best if i had a more private room, just in case my body decided to vamp out.

i grab my journal, yes, journal, because i low-key plan on making sure i write all of it down. who knows, it might make a good book one day. i softly hum, trying to describe my life...chaotic is pretty good. i mean, don't get me wrong, I'm finally getting settled into this small town, thank god. 

"knock, knock" Ray said. 

i quickly grab a blanket and hid my hands and he walks in, a brown paper bag with grease stains makes my mouth water, oh thank the lord, i hate hospital food, i really do.   

"thank god" i said. 

"i know you hate hospital foods" Ray said sitting next to me. 

i nod my head and rub my eyes, feeling very sleepy. i carefully took a big thing of fries and ate a few and moan happily. 

"oh thank god" i mumbled.

"i had to drive out of town to find a good burger place, you're lucky you're my kid" Ray said.

"your kid?" i asked scoffing.

"I've been like a father to you" Ray said shrugging. 

"a father? no, more like a cool older brother" i said.

"did you just demote me?" Ray asked, looking hurt.

"yes" i said looking at him. 

"Rude"  Ray said. 

"always" i said smirking. 

"good to see you're walking around, i was know i didn't mean to yell at you the other day, right?" Ray said.

"oh stop worrying old man, I'm healthy, okay? now, when are you leaving?" i asked.

"leaving? oh come on, don't tell me you're tired of me already" Ray said pouting. 

"I'm tired of everyone" i said shrugging.

"right" Ray said nodding.

there was another knock on the door and Carlisle opens the door and gives a smile. Ray stands up and gives my knee a squeeze. 

"alright kiddo, I'll check in later, bye" Ray said. 

"bye" i said. 

he left and i finish my fries happily. Carlisle checked my vitals and hum thoughtfully. i rub my eyes, yawning tiredly.

"so no blood lust?" Carlisle asked.

"nope" i said.

"cold?" Carlisle asked.

he touched my hand and i flinched back, jesus, why was he so freaking cold. i covered up with covers now.

"yes" i said.

"have you tried looking into the sunlight?" Carlisle asked.

"i sparkle" i said. 

"alright, so the transition is slow, and i mean very slow" Carlisle said frowning. 

"isn't the good?" i asked.

"more like unpredictable" Carlisle said frowning.

i nod my head in understanding and went back to my bed, laying down. i hid my journal under my pillow and yawn.

"get some sleep" Carlisle said patting my shoulder.

"yes sir" i said. 

he walked out and i lay down, trying to close my eyes. i wrap the cover tighter around me and sniffle a yawn. i snuggle into the pillows. after a while, i open my eyes, staring at the dark curtains, my stomach clenching, not liking being alone. There was a knock on the door and i see Jasper peak his head in. 

"Darlin? you okay? your emotions are going crazy" Jasper said walking in.

"you can tall? am i an open book?" i asked biting my bottom lip.

Jasper looks at me amused and walks over to the window, he opens the curtains and i can see all the stars, making me relax. he sits next to me and pours me a cup of water. i sit up and drank it carefully. 

"i can read people emotions, you are feelin' scared, nervous, and slight excitement" Jasper said. 

i smile at him and shrug my shoulders, i grab my laptop and gave it to him. he gives me a raised eyebrows.

"entertain me then" i said smiling. 

"i feel like you're using me" Jasper said.

"no, i just like your company" i said shrugging. he just looks amused

"how about i read to ya then?" Jasper asked.

i nod my head and lay down, getting comfortable. i look at him as he was searching my laptop for an online book. 

"where did you come from?" i asked.

" where i was born?" Jasper asked.

"yeah" i said nodding my head.

"Texas" Jasper said.

"tell me about Texas" i said smiling. 

"you wanna hear me go on and on about silly old Texas?" Jasper asked.

"yup" i said nodding. 

"...i was in the confederate army" Jasper said.

i stare at him in wonder, moving closer to him, wanting to know more. Jasper then went on and on about his time in the war. i like his southern voice, it calmed me down, i tried keeping my eyes open, but after a while, Jasper stops and just chuckles. 

"get some sleep darlin', I'll be here when you wake up" Jasper said softly. 

"promise?" i mumbled.

"promise" Jasper said softly.

he kissed the top of my head and i close my eyes, falling asleep. i remember dreaming about his golden locks and his amber eyes. 

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