Waking Up

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i hear beeps, making me frown. where was i? last thing i remember was...getting off of the bus? did i make it home? or was somewhere else? i open my eyes and quickly shut them, jeez, who has this many lights?  i slowly open my eyes again and look around, why was i in the hospital room...did i get ran over again? if i had...damn, I'm still not dead? go me. 

i rub my eyes and my eyes scanned the room, my favorite blanket from home was covering me instead of the usual, thin hospital blanket they offer. i look and see a few balloons, a vase of flowers were in a vase, and there was my childhood stuffed koala. there was a knock and i look up and the most hot freaking i have ever seen. like, hot damn, yes you can be my doctor anytime. 

"hello, Ms. Swan, I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen, how are you feeling?" Dr. Cullen asked. 

how did i feel? i mean, i felt exhausted, my neck was killing me like crazy. my fingers went to my neck and i flinched back and Dr. Cullen steps to me and he grabbed my face, angling my face away and he hummed. 

"it seems like the wound has opened up again" Dr. Cullen said. 

"wound?" i asked, confused.

"oh my, do you not remember what happened?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"no" i said shaking my head.

"well, you were found near the road past out, we think it was some type of animal" Dr. Cullen said. 

"oh wow...have you contacted my family?" i asked. 

"yes, they're in the waiting room, do you want me to get them?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"sure" i said nodding. 

he left and i reach over, grabbing my...now very cracked phone. i groan, but look at all the missed calls from Ray and only a few miss calls from dad and Bella, none from mom or Phil, whatever.

i yawn, pulling my hair into an awkward, messy bun. i call Ray, since he's the only real person that decided to call me while i was supposedly injured. the phone rings for a few and then the phone get's picked up. 

"Kass?!" Ray asked. 

"awww, is the great Ray sounding worried?" i asked. 

"of course i am! jesus, kid, are you okay?" Ray asked. 

"well, apparently i had an animal attack me and a nasty bandage on my neck, so..." i said trailing off. 

"I'm driving down" Ray said. 

"now, don't do that" i said. 

"if Charlie picked you up, this wouldn't have happened!" Ray snapped. 

"get your granny panties out of your crack, will you? I'm fine, just come down in a week or so" i said. 

"fine...any request?" Ray asked. 

"would you be a doll and buy me tampons" i said sickly sweet.

"funny, good to see you're doing better" Ray said.

"obviously" i said smirking. 

"bye" Ray said. 

"bye" i said.

i hung up the phone and toss it back on the table, probably cracking it even more. i yawn loudly and lean back, looking at the ceiling. the door opens to Dr. Cullen walks in with dad in tow. 

"Kass" dad said. 

he rushed by my side and i look at him with a blank stare, which he ignored and pulled me in a hug, which made me clench my teeth in pain. he didn't notice, he never did. i awkwardly pat his back and he smiles at me. 

"how are you? any other injuries?" dad asked. 

"not that i know of, where's Bella?" i asked. 

"at school" dad said.

"isn't it still Saturday?" i asked. 

dad shares a look with Dr. Cullen, who nods his head and steps closer. he grabs a flashlight and shined it my eyes and i slightly flinch back. 

"you may have a slight concussion, you've been out for almost two days, making it Monday" Dr. Cullen said.  

i nod my head and i rub my stomach, i was starving. dad took not of that, wow, surprising much. 

"I'll go get you something to eat" dad said. 

"okay" i said nodding.

he left and i look at Dr. Cullen, who was reading something on my charts. i study him, how in the hell was there someone that freaking handsome, it wasn't possible, or shouldn't be at least. I wonder if he has any sons.

"is everything okay?" i asked biting my bottom lip. 

"i was just wondering about your medication dosage" Dr. Cullen said. 

"huh, oh, uh, my heart, it has problems" i said shrugging

"would you like to be more specific?" Dr. Cullen asked.

was he being sarcastic? i think we will be getting along just fine...i wonder if i can get his number and be his buddy.

"my heart is too large for my body, just physically, not mentally, I've had surgeries, plus i have high blood pressure" i said. 

"i see, your blood pressure is lightly higher than average" Dr. Cullen said. 

"i haven't took my medicine in two days" i said giving him a look. 

Dr. Cullen just chuckled and nodded his head. he walked across the room and gave me my small bag. i dug through it and took out the pill bottle. the pills were as big as my pink nail and pretty thick. i rub my eyes and yawn loudly. Dr. Cullen gives me a pixie cup full of water. i took one and finished the water. 

"so, doc, tell me, what are the chances we can swap phone numbers and become binge buddies" i said cheekily.

Dr. Cullen just stares at me, looking taken aback and also slightly confused at what binge meant...how old is he? I'm sure he's watched Supernatural and Criminal Minds. i wonder if he's one of those people that don't believe in TV....you poor soul. 

"er, Ms. Swan, i am flattered, but it would be unethical if i were to engage such things with you out of work and also, i am married" Dr. Cullen said. 

What did that have to do with binge watching? i frown in confusion, but shrug my shoulders. Hey, maybe his wife didn't want other people watching TV with him, understandable. 

"okay" i said shrugging. 

he stared at me for a few seconds, looking like he wasn't too sure if i had understood or if he didn't understand, it was funny, so I'll just pretend that i have no idea what he was talking about. i just close my eyes, deciding to take a quick nap. 

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