Twin Swans

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i was digging through my purse while dad was getting me some clothes and bringing Bella with him. i had apparently lost all my bags when i was attacked, which kinda worried me...i had a few items in there, that shouldn't be seen.  Dr. Cullen walks in and behind is a nurse, who is ogling his behind, ohhh. Naughty nurse. 

"Ms Swan, how are you feeling?" Dr. Cullen asked. 

"fine" i said. 

"just fine?" Dr. Cullen asked. 

"my neck keeps on bothering me" i said sighing. 

for some ungodly reason, i can't lie to him, and it bother's me to no end, like is it his super power? mine is telling if anyone is lying, of course, that doesn't help my case. i wonder if he'd want to rethink the binge buddy thing. 

Dr. Cullen comes close to me and he tilts my head back to get a clear look at it. it looks like someone actually bit me, like something with sharp teeth maybe? i close my eyes, feeling his cold touch on my neck, honestly, it feels nice. 

"Ms. Swan" Dr. Cullen said. 

i open my eyes, feeling slightly dizzy, Dr. Cullen quickly blocked the view of the nurse and he was peering into my eyes. he shined the flashlight, making me flinch back. 

"Martha, she's very dehydrated, do you mind getting a couple of IV's for me?" Dr. Cullen said. 

"right away sir!" Martha said, rushing out of the room. 

"listen to me, if you don't mind, just to make sure you didn't get any infections, I'd like for you to come back three times a week, and i would also like to take another look at your heart, okay?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"sure..." i said slowly. 

He pulls away when the door opens and he smiles brightly at dad, who just nods at him and gives me a plastic bag of clothes. i peer inside and lightly groan...he took stuff from Bella's closet, didn't he? 

"where's Bella?" i asked. 

"she went to get something from the gift shop, is she doing okay, Dr. Cullen?" dad asked. 

"I'd like to put another IV in her, if that's alright" Dr. Cullen said.

"alright, hook her up" dad said. 

"yes, and I'd like to talk to you in private, if you don't mind" Dr. Cullen said. 

"sure" dad said. 

they left and Martha came back, she hooked an IV up to me and i groan, i hate needles, why on earth did anyone think it was a good idea to poke someone? 

"you look annoyed" someone said. 

i open my eyes and look at Bella, Blue-gray clashed with doe brown. i smirk slightly at my twin sister, that was a good way to tell us apart, i had blue eyes, tan skin, curly hair. While Bella had brown eyes, pale skin, and straight-ish hair. we were fraternal twins, and a lot of people never even knew we were twins...which used to hurt me, but that's in the past and this is the now. 

"when aren't i?" i asked. 

"point...other than what happened, how are you?" Bella asked.

"really, small talk Bells?" i asked annoyed. 

"well, what do you want me to do? go over to you, a sobbing mess?" Bella asked, slightly amused. 

"well, it would be nice" i said. 

Bella rolls her eyes, but comes over to me and sets a pink teddy bear near me and i glare at her, she knows i hate pink, i despise the color. it's too girly, in my opinion, which is why Bella loves to give me pink things. 

"i hate you" i said. 

"i hate you too" Bella said sighing. 

she took a drink of her water and i lean back, but still grabbed the teddy bear, stroking it's soft, fake, fur. it was comforting to me, i know, I'm a baby, laugh it up. 

the door opens and Dr. Cullen and dad walks back in, dad looking worried and Dr. Cullen putting a reassuring hand on his arm. Bromance? maybe. i smirk, trying to think of names, let's see...Carlie? Charisle? Swallen? Cullan? Sullen? jesus, please, someone stop me. i stifle a laugh and Bella raises her eyebrows in amusement. 

"alright, you're all ready to go, you're next appointment is in two days right after school" Carlisle said. 

"okay" i said. 

Dr. Cullen unhooks me from my IV and i went into the bathroom to changed. i put on some of Bella's, though they were slightly tight on me, see where she was thinner, i was fuller. Not like fat, but more curvy, i guess? i squeeze into her jeans and slip on my boots. i walk out and grab my small bag. we walked out of the hospital. We got in Charlie's police car, making me sit in back, this brings back memories. 

"so, dad, what's been new?" i asked.

"I'm chief now" dad said.

"wow, congratulations" i said. 

dad smiles happily  and i look out the window, how the rain is pouring. i know i said i hated small talk, but what i hate more is silence with other people i like/hate. 

"do you have a boyfriend?" dad asked casually, almost making me snort. 

"I've been stuck with girls for almost seven years, dad" i said.

"so girlfriend?" Dad asked.

"no" i said.

"Bella, what about you?" dad asked. 

"no" Bella said.

great, even more awkward silence, what i love most in the world. the rain poured down harder and i shut my eyes, feeling very annoyed. my neck was hurting again, i just look at the roof of the car and trying to do calming breathes. 

"i was thinking we could have a family dinner tonight" dad said.

"can't already have homework" Bella mumbled. 

i glare at the back of her head, oh she was going to do family night if she liked it or not. this will be our first dinner together again and she was not going to be a bitch about it, not this time. i let a smirk fall onto my lips and lean back.

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