Nightmares and The Truth

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the wind was blowing furiously. i was sitting in a chair in some dark room. a guy with flowing blonde hair walked up to me, grabbing my jaw and smirking. he tilted my head back and i whimpered. 

"you taste even more delicious than i thought" The guy said.

"get away from me" i hissed.

he smirked and pressed a kiss to my forehead. i flinch back, i thought that i could count on Bella, but she left, just like everyone else. The man sinks his teeth into my throat and  i scream.

he stopped and smirked at me, licking his lips. his ice cold finger tips traced my neck, making me whimper, i hate this.

"since i can't have Isabella, looks like you'll be a good enough toy...but don't worry, i won't kill you...I'll turn you into a monster. Just. Like. Me" the guy said smirking. 


My eyes snap open and it takes me a second to hear screaming, and another second to realize that it's me, screaming bloody murder. i curl up, trying to calm down, but i can't, the full on panic attack was here. the doors burst open a few nurses came in, they try calming me down, but i won't let them. 

Dr. Cullen burst in and quickly made his way to me. he grabs my hands, staring at me with his golden eyes...the same as the man in my dreams. 

"calm down, Kassidy" Dr. Cullen said. 

"y-you're l-like him" i whimpered. 

"who?" Dr. Cullen asked frowning. 

"the....the man that attacked me" i whimpered. 

"everyone leave, let me calm her down, nurse Jen, get me another IV while you're at it" Dr. Cullen said. 

"yes sir" Jen said. 

Everyone shuffled out and Dr. Cullen carefully sat next to me. he studied me before resting his hand on top of mine and i stare at him.

"Kassidy, listen very carefully to me...what exactly happened in your dream?" Dr. Cullen said.

"you promise not to think I'm crazy, Dr. Cullen?" i mumbled. 

"i promise" Dr. Cullen said

"i was tied to a chair this man with gold hair, he was walking around me and he bit me" i said quietly. 

"bite?" Dr. Cullen asked. 

"like an something that bit me" i said quietly. 

my fingers shakily went to my throat and Dr. Cullen sighs, looking like he was fighting with himself on something. 

" were bit by a vampire" Dr. Cullen said.

i stare at him, and i mean really stare at him. the pasty skin, the golden eyes, the young that i think about it...they all share that quality, don't they?

"can i see your fangs?" i asked.

Dr. Cullen seems amused, but opens his mouth, his upper lip going slightly up and i can slightly see the longer then average canine teeth. 

"do you burn?" i asked.

"no...we...glow" Dr. Cullen said slowly. 

"glow? so do you sleep in coffins?" i asked.

"we don't need sleep" Dr. Cullen said.

"eat?" i asked.

"no" Dr. Cullen said.

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