Hospital Bound

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i open my eyes to the annoying hospital beeps, great. i open my eyes, feeling very annoyed right now. 

"ah, you're up" Dr. Cullen said. 

"hey, how long was i out?" i asked yawning. 

"a had some serious injuries" Dr. Cullen said.

"yeah..." i said quietly. 

"what happened?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"these guys jumped me" i said shrugging. 

"jumped you?" Dr. Cullen said.

"they surrounded me and tried grabbing and i think i hit one of them" i said quietly.

"you think?" Dr. Cullen asked. 

"it happened really fast...where is my dad?" i asked. 

"actually, they're in the next room" Dr. Carlisle said.

"w-what? why?" i squeaked. 

"Bella almost got hit with a truck today" Dr. Cullen said. 

i lean back and stare at the wall, biting my bottom lip. did i want to ask how she was or not? i mean, he knows i care for her, but it doesn't mean i need to. 

"is she okay?" i asked sighing. 

"yes, she's perfectly fine, the young man who crashed into her, has a small injury on his head, but nothing too serious" Dr. Cullen said,

"and clumsy Bella didn't get a scratch on her?" i asked.

"Edward, my son, he pulled her out of the way" Dr. Cullen said.

"oh, Alaska boy is back, how is he?" i asked casually. 

"he's fine" Dr. Cullen said, looking amused. 

"i still need to meet him, you're daughter that looks like a pixie, and the lovely Mrs. Cullen, i need to use my charm" i said smirking.

"good to see you have your strength back" Dr. Cullen said.

"i heal quick" i said shrugging.

"that you do...Kassidy...i took a look at your charts, you're blood pressure is pretty high still, do you think we could do an ultrasound on it?" Dr. Cullen asked.

"sure" i said shrugging. 

"good...excuse me, i need to go sign something, but your family should be here soon" Dr. Cullen said.

i nod my head and he left. i lean back, closing my eyes, feeling exhausted. i hear the door open, but kept my eyes shut. 

"did you get the punk's descriptions?" dad asked.

"yeah, i already gave them to another this an okay environment for her? since she's been her, she's been attacked by an animal, ditched school, has been staying with a stranger, and just got beaten up...I'm worried" Ray said sighing. 

"i hate to say it, but you're right...but i won't send her back, and living with her mother is out of the question...maybe i should ground her?" dad asked in amusement. 

"you think Kassidy will listen to that?" Ray asked.

"no...but i have to figure something out...Dr. Cullen told me, if she doesn't stop her actions, it will be bad for her health" dad said. 

"her heart is acting up again?" Ray asked.

"yeah...which scares me" dad said sighing. 

i hear someone else walk in and i wait patiently to see who it is. i feel a warm hand grab mine and squeeze it tightly. 

"i told her not to go over there anymore" Bella said sighing.

Bella? she actually came to see me? my heart warmed and i felt all fuzzy over, like someone was hugging me to death.

"she's stubborn" Ray said.

"she'll be staying in the hospital for a few days again, Bella, do you think you can grab her homework for her?" dad asked. 

"sure" Bella said sighing.

"alright, we should leave, let me drive Bella home and we'll be back" dad said. 

"okay, maybe bring her some food?" Ray suggested. 

"good idea" dad said. 

i felt two pairs of lips on my forehead, oh my god, they kissed me! i was slightly touched, but slightly grossed out, not that i minded, but it was gross. i hear the door close and i felt something hit my head. i squeak and open my eyes, rubbing my forehead. 

"Ray" i whined.

"Kass" Ray whined playfully. 

"that was rude" i mumbled.

i grab the pink teddy bear, Bella probably brought it again. i hugged it to my chest and close my eyes, sighing.

"so, why'd you pretend to be asleep?" Ray asked.

"...i don't like them worrying over me" i said quietly.

"yeah, well, you gave them good enough reason too, can't just stay at some random guys house...what if he raped you or killed you?" Ray asked sternly.

"...i can handle myself" i grumbled. 

"no, you can't, you are still a kid, a small kid if i can aren't that strong and he could have done anything to you" Ray snapped. 

"Ray, stop it. look, i just needed a distraction for a while, okay?" i asked frowning. 

"a distraction? what? did you have sex with the guy?!" Ray demanded.

"no, i just wanted to be by someone that knows nothing about me, oh yeah, there's that girl that got sent away because her parents were scared of her, oh yeah, there's the freak that started the fire. oh look, it's the twin sister of Bella, who i might add is way better than she will ever be.... there's that girl no one loves" i snapped. 

"Kass..." Ray said sighing.

"please just go?" i asked frowning.

"...I'll be back tomorrow morning, get some rest" Ray said.

he carefully patted my knee and walked out, closing the door quietly. i grab the pillow and stuffed my face into it and screamed, very annoyed and very pissed off. i feel tears coming and i just gave a shaky breath out. there was a knock on the door and sigh, really annoyed. 

"go away" i whispered. 

"sorry dear,  i need to switch your IV's" the nurse said. 

i glare at her, but let her, tears soaking into my pillow. after a while she left and i relax, laying down and curling up. 

"Kassidy?" Rose asked.

i peak from my pillow, my eyes staring at her in a confused stare, why was she here? did she get hurt also?

"Rosie?" i squeaked. 

Rose walked over and she sat on my bed and i stare at her. not sure why she visited me...honestly, the past week I've been annoying her and hanging all over her, you would think she'd ignore me while out of school. 

"i heard about the accident, are you okay?" Rose asked softly.

"yeah...I'm a fight" i said. 

"i know that, but are you okay?" Rose asked.

i stare at her, she wasn't buying my facade....that scared me, and i mean really scary. i just lean forward, biting my bottom lip, feeling tears forming.

"i was scared" i mumbled quietly. 

Rose just rubbed my back, hushing me, which started the tears. i couldn't stop them, tears kept falling over and over. i lean my head on Rose's shoulder and close my eyes tightly. 

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