Chapter 4

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            Ouch. Everything hurts. Everything burns. My whole body is on fire and no matter how I move, the pain doesn’t subside. I open my eyes; they’re blurry. I let out a small grown. A red headed lady in yellow scrubs pops her head in.

            “You’re awake?” A pause. Then, “You’re awake!” Suddenly she’s scurrying out as quickly as she came in. I’m awake? I was asleep? I’m feeling very confused. I move my head around the room slowly, taking in my surroundings. Wherever I am is very drab. There is a steady beeping noise to my right; a machine displaying some kind of pulsing graph- like thing. Besides that, a bag filled with clear liquid drips slowly down a tube. I follow the tube to the back of my hand and find it taped to my skin. I move my head around and feel more tubes brushing my neck and cheeks. Then, I notice the flesh on my arms is all pink and peeling, or there is no flesh at all. I look as far left as I can, towards the window, when a pain shoots up my neck and into my head. I quickly look straight ahead again, my head pounding. Ok, so I can’t turn my head and I have as many plastic tubes on me as limbs. What’s left of my real limbs are enflamed, immovable masses. Excellent.

            Then, the red head lady is back, along with large, bald man wearing a white lab coat, stained reddish and brownish. “Well, hello there, sweetie!” He exclaims. His enthusiasm rings loud in my ears. “How do you feel?” He asks, equally loud.

            I shrug my shoulders and attempt to reply, “I don’t know.” It comes out garbled and incomprehensible.

            I see his grin falter slightly, and he continues to speak to me, his voice lower and soothing. “You were asleep for a couple days,” he tells me. “You’re in the hospital now. You got into an accident. You were in a coma. Do you know what that is?”

            I nod, vaguely recalling the meaning of the word. Then he’s questioning me again, “Can you tell us your name?” The red head lady is looking at me with big eyes, and the bald man in the lab coat is waiting patiently.

            I think very hard, so much that it hurts. After a minute or two, the bald man nods and says, “Well, My name is Dr. Hayes, ok? I’ll be back to check on you later.” He gives me a little smile and nods, saying something to the red haired lady as he leaves.

            Then it’s just her and I. “My name is Lucy, and I’ll be just outside if you need me, ok honey? Just push this little button here,” she points to a button clipped to my gown, “and I’ll be here in a flash.” She smiles and backs out of the room.

            “Mandy,” I blurt out. Lucy stops and looks at me questioningly. I furrow my brow at her, frustrated that I can’t further explain myself.  Lucy’s face turns to a smile. “Oh, that’s your name!” she says, then adds, “Very good, Mandy. I’ll be back later.” She smiles and exits the room, leaving me alone. Then a thought hits me. I push the button on my gown and wait for Lucy. I then notice I’m wearing a pale white gown.

            “Mandy?” Lucy sounds concerned. “What do you need, sweetie?”

            “Visit- visitors?” I stutter out the question, fearing that I already know the answer.

            Lucy tries to smile at me, but her eyes are sad and I know she understood my question. “Sorry, dear. No one has come to visit you yet.”

            Suddenly, the door to my room bursts open and a tall, lean boy enters. He appears to be about my age. He looks frantic, yet joyful. He has gorgeous dark brown, almost black hair that’s alarmingly familiar and chocolate eyes. I stare intently at him, but I can’t think of where I know him from.

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