Chapter 29

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            It’s Luke birthday today and I am utterly freaking out. I got it in my head that I was going to throw him a surprise party. I managed to get all of our friends to come to Luke’s house. Mrs. McAllister swears that Luke suspects nothing- he’s out with his Dad grocery shopping or something- and she put up all the decorations in under an hour.

            But I’m seriously going out of my mind. Is a surprise party too much? Will he like the gift I got him? Is today even his birthday?! Ok, so that last one is probably a bit on the crazy side, but like I said, I’ve lost my mind.

            It all started ten days ago, when we were at the beach. Everyone was joking that Luke was the only one who hadn’t yet reached adulthood. It’s weird to think that he’s younger than me. Anyway, so while Luke was in the bathroom, I suggested that we make a big deal out of Luke turning eighteen, and my friends agreed. I said I’d take care of everything.

            I did. I took care of everything. The place looks great, the cake arrived in time, and all of our friends are present and accounted for. The panic only set in as we all sit quietly waiting for Luke to get here. What if he doesn’t like it? Why am I so nervous? I don’t know. I guess it’s just that Luke is important to me, and I want him to get that.



            Of all things my Dad could’ve done on my eighteenth birthday, he chose grocery shopping. I mean, he let me buy a chocolate bar, but still. Of course, Amanda’s eighteenth birthday was quite a bit worse than this, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.

            We’re finally home after a two hour trip, and I’m exhausted. I’m torn. I kind of just want to go inside and play video games for ten hours, but it is my eighteenth birthday. I can do anything I want! But I’m kind of lazy.

            I grab a few loaded grocery bags from the trunk of our car and head inside, walking ahead of my Dad. He’s just a few steps behind me. I jiggle the door knob, expecting a locked door, and am pleasantly surprised when it swings open.

            “Hey, we’re home!” I call out. “Come bring the groceries in!” I walk towards the kitchen. The whole house is eerily silent. It’s creepy. Where are my siblings? They need to help with groceries, too.

            I set everything down on the big island in the center of the kitchen, and when I turn around I just about pee my pants.

            “Surprise!” a bunch of humans appear in the living room and I let out a none- too- manly scream. Everyone laughs, even my Dad who is now standing in the living room, holding the plastic bags he’d grabbed from the trunk.

            “Guys!” I exclaim and shake my head. “You almost killed me!” Everyone laughs, and I can’t help but smile. I’ve never had a surprise party thrown for me before, and it makes me feel kind of warm inside. A super grownup, masculine, tough kind of warm. “Who’s in charge of this?” I ask playfully.

            Amanda shyly emerges from the crowd and grins, “Hi. You should’ve seen your face.”

            The party- goers are quickly distracted and no one is watching us anymore. I take a cautious step towards the pretty girl in front of me. “Thank you,” I say. She just nods. I can’t resist; I pull her into a hug and she actually hugs me back. It feels… right.

            When we pull apart, Amanda reaches up and pecks me on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Luke,” she smiles. Then the serious mood is gone and she drags me over to where our friends have gathered, my cheek burning the whole time.

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