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Words: 2,504

This one's for larrybieberdreams .  :)

Harry awoke to the obnoxious blaring of their alarm clock. The second his eyes flew open he felt the piercing pain in the left side of his head. Oh, great. A migraine. Harry groaned as Louis hit the snooze button.

"What, Haz?" Louis asked groggily, half asleep and annoyed.

"Nothing," Harry answered. He wanted to give both of them time to snooze as they usually did. Louis tended to hit the snooze button at least five times before they had to get up. He purposely set the alarm at an early time so he could use the snooze button without running late.

Harry couldn't seem to go back to sleep. If he could've slept, he would've been able to have gotten another 20 minutes, but his head wouldn't let him, and each time the alarm clock roared to life, the pain became excruciating, causing him to flinch every time.

Even though he knew they had one more four-minute snooze to sleep through, Harry decided to get up anyway. It was futile to just lay there awake. He began to sit up and his head hurt even worse. He sat there with his head in his hands, wishing for the pain to go away.

After a couple minutes, Louis turned off the alarm and saw Harry sitting there. "Harry, what are you doing?" He yawned.

"My head. I've got an awful migraine."

"Oh. You think you'll be okay to go to the studio?" Louis rubbed his eyes and scooted to the edge of the bed opposite Harry.

Harry considered the amount of pain he was in. "I don't know. It's pretty bad and it's kinda pulsating."

Louis turned around to give Harry's back a couple rubs. "Why don't we see how you do first? Start getting ready and if it's too much, then we'll see about getting you out of it for today."

Harry agreed and the two of them began getting ready in the bathroom. It was nice having two separate sinks. The lights were very bright, causing Harry to squint. "Can we turn the lights off? It's killing my head."

"Oh, sorry." Louis cut the light off and turned on the nightlight in the bathroom. "It's that bad, yeah?"

Harry nodded. Harry sat on the toilet as he brushed his teeth, not feeling well enough to stand. When he washed his face, he leaned up against the counter with all of his weight.

Louis glanced over in between shaving his face and chuckled.

"Are you mocking my pain?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Maybe. Sorta," Louis said, rinsing off the shaving cream. Louis knew that sometimes Harry overdid the "Woe is me's" to get some sympathy out of Louis, and this might've been one of those times. Louis opened up the medicine cabinet behind the mirror and gave him the bottle of Excedrin. "Here, take these."

Harry took a pill in hopes to feel better soon. They got dressed and went to the kitchen for some poptarts. When they didn't have much time to eat, this was one thing they ate. It was usually that or cereal. Just the smell of Louis's cherry poptart in the toaster got his stomach churning. Nausea was one thing that migraines did to him, and the smell of food was a way to bring it on.

He ran to the bathroom and began dry heaving, but the nausea left him after a few minutes.

"Harry! You okay?" Louis said, holding up his poptart and taking another bite. He found Harry hovering over the toilet, his hands on his knees. Guess it really was that bad.

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