Harry-Sick-(For Contest)

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Hey guys.  So this is my first attempt at a fan fic!  I hope you like it.  Let me know what you think in the comments!  Thanks for reading!  :)  

It was the night before a photo shoot. The boys were at a restaurant, enjoying a buffet of an assortment offood, which was recommended by Niall. The waitress put them in a room all to themselves in the back of the restaurant so they wouldn't be bombarded with fans wanting to take pictures. The hard part was having to leave the room to go get more food from the buffet.

''Well I'm ready for dessert. Wanna get some with me, Louis?" Harry asked him.

''Sure, I'm ready. Let's go, Harry." He and Harry left the room to scout out the dessert bar, but not without first putting their hoodie over their head to help disguise their faces. There were so many good desserts that it was hard to choose, from chocolate cake, lemon bars, to ice cream.

They both grabbed a plate and took a small portion of everything. Once they were satisfied, they returned to the back room with the others.

''Oh man, this is good," Louis said as he bit into a slice of chocolate cheesecake.

"Ooo, I didn't see that! Can I have a bite of yours, Lou?" he asked, already hovering his fork over Louis's plate.

''Go ahead. But just a little piece,"Louis told him.

Harry would only have one bite of Louis's food using his fork because he had started to develop a slight sore throat just that morning. He didn't want to contaminate Louis's food with his germs just in case a cold was coming on.

Soon everyone had had their fill and they sat around just talking and letting their food settle.

"Well, boys, we should probably head out now. We've got a big day tomorrow," Liam stated. And he was right. The boys had a photo shoot scheduled at 8AM the next morning,so the boys needed their sleep.

''Okay, I guess we should go now,"said Louis, hesitatingly. Harry had his head leaned up against Louis's shoulder and neither of them really wanted to move just yet. The band slowly rose up out of their seats and exited the restaurant.

Harry noticed something felt a little off with him. He didn't know if he just ate too much or if he was going to be sick the next day. Or maybe it was just a cold coming on? He didn't have too much time to dwell on it because the second Niall pushed open the restaurant door, the paparazzi was already there to greet them. Flashes of light blinded their eyes as they found their way to their tour bus.

We've got to disguise our bus one of these days, Harry thought. Our faces on the bus don't give us away at all, he thought, sarcastically.

Their bus drove them to a hotel. When they knew they'd be spending several days in one area, they got to stay in a hotel rather than stay in the bus overnight.

Harry hoped that he wouldn't be sick in the morning because the band needed him to be able to do the photo-shoot with them. What kind of a photo-shoot would it be without him?

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