Louis's sick, Harry doesn't believe him

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This is a request from Cadymn.  Hope you like it!

"Liam, I'm dying!" Louis cried, wiping away the sweat from his forehead, breathing heavily. Liam had convinced Louis and Harry to go with him on a two mile run on a Friday morning. Neither really wanted to go nor enjoyed running, but Liam forced them into it. He told them it'd be good for them.

Liam looked back at the two boys. They looked pathetic. They had been having a hard time keeping up, and they had had to stop three times in the first 20 minutes. Obviously, this was not something they did very often. ''We're almost there,'' Liam said, referring to the hotel.

They ran the last five minutes, Harry and Louis collapsing on the couch the second they walked in. Liam went to the cabinet and grabbed three cups, pouring cool, delicious water into each one before handing them over to the thirsty boys. They drank eagerly, downing the liquid in seconds.

''I'm never....doing that.....ever again,'' Louis announced while out of breath.

"Same here," said Harry, running a hand through his damp hair and then wiping his hand on his pants.

As tiring and difficult as the run was, the boys were able to fall in a very deep sleep that night, which was good because they had a busy day in the morning. They were scheduled for a photo shoot and then a meet and greet in the afternoon.

Louis woke up really achy and sore from the workout the previous day. He and Harry were in the bathroom shaving their faces and listening to some Backstreet Boys. ''Harry, are you as sore as I am?"

''Yeah, my calves are killing me," Harry said, applying more shaving cream to his cheeks.

''Yeah, me too. Stupid Liam," he chuckled, which made Harry laugh, too, making him cut himself.

''Ouch," said Harry, placing toilet paper on the cut. ''You're not supposed to laugh when shaving, note to self."

In an hour, all the boys had arrived to the studio to take pictures. Louis kept mumbling things to himself that weren't always intelligible.

'"What are you saying, Louis?" asked Harry as they were in a pose.

''Nothing. I'm so sore!" Louis said softly through his teeth. Once they snapped a few more pictures he added, "everything hurts."

''Lou, don't be a baby. Get over it, or you're going to look stupid in all the pictures," Harry said with a straight face.

The photographer snapped a couple more pictures before saying, ''More energy! More happiness! Let loose!"

Apparently they must've been irritating the photographer as well. Louis tried harder to smile and look like nothing was bothering him. Harry put Louis's bad attitude in the back of his mind and let out his fun side, sticking out his tongue and grinning at the camera.

Two hours later, they were done and Louis could wipe off his fake smile. There was something really wrong. Louis really wasn't feeling well. All of a sudden, he couldn't get warm. He felt chilled even though the temperature on the wall read 78 degrees. The small soreness in his throat that morning had developed into something really painful by the time the photoshoot was over.

The boys began to walk out of the building to get ready to go to the mall for the meet and greet. Louis caught up with Harry. "Harry, I don't feel good."

''I know, Lou. You've been complaining all morning. You're just sore. It's nothing," Harry said, annoyed.

''No," Louis frowned, feeling rejected, "I mean I'm sick. I feel all weird."

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