Louis Has a Seizure

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Words: 2,401

This is a request for larryslittlecupcakes .  For some reason, I had a hard time writing this one and took longer than usual to finish it.  I guess it came out okay, though?

"Okay, and then you, Louis, will come sit over right down here, followed by Liam to your right," their choreographer explained. The boys didn't actually dance, but he was explaining to them their placement during a certain part of their concert.

Louis was half listening and half out of it. He had been feeling really weird the last few days, kind of off and on. It was hard to explain. His brain felt fuzzy, and he was having some dizzy spells. He didn't say anything because he figured it would go away on its own, and he didn't want to alarm the boys, especially if there was nothing wrong.

"And when Liam starts singing, then Harry, that's your cue to stand and veer off to the edge of the stage," the man continued. "Make eye contact with the fans, play around with them, the usual. You know what to do."

Harry nodded. The choreographer continued with his instructions, while Louis was barely listening.

"Louis? You got that, Louis?" the man asked him. All eyes were on him now, staring him down.

"Um, what now?" Louis asked. For some reason, he missed a chunk of the conversation. It was like his mind was gone for a minute. He felt strange, and his head was starting to hurt.

The man explained his part of it again while Louis listened and nodded. After practice was over, the boys were allowed to go off to lunch for an hour before their meet and greet that evening. After not being able to agree on where to go, they just all agreed on McDonalds.

They stood in line and looked at the menu above. Louis's headache was worsening, stabbing him in the temple. He winced as he rubbed the spot, hoping to relieve the pain.

Harry noticed his reaction. "What's wrong, Lou?"

Not wanting to worry Harry, he said, "Oh, nothing. Just a headache."

They ordered their food individually and sat down at a table. Once their food arrived, they handed it all out and dug in. They talked about their day and how tired they all were, but they were still looking forward to the meet and greet.

Louis was starving as he bit into his hamburger. It tasted so good since he hadn't had much to eat since breakfast.

"Hey, Lou, are we still going to that party this Saturday?" Niall asked him. Another celebrity friend of theirs invited Louis and were letting him bring friends along.

"Of course, Ni. The party's still on," Louis told him.

"Hey, what party?" Liam asked, chewing on a french fry.

Harry chimed in and told him about how they were all invited, but he guessed he didn't get the memo. They began chatting away about the party and who they thought would be there, when Louis spaced out again. He didn't even realize it until once again, he felt all eyes on him. He instantly was brought back from his stupor to have the boys question him.

"Earth to Louis!" Niall said, waving a hand in front of his face.

"What's up with you?" Liam asked.

Louis felt himself blush. He honestly didn't know himself. It was like for a moment, he's wasn't there in the room with them. "Nothing. Whatever guys. Are you ready to go? I'm stuffed." He brushed off their comments and looks of concern, not wanting any of that kind of attention.

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