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Task Force X pt.I


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Two days after their little visit and shit had already hit the fan. That wasn't a lot of time to think. The cage door of her cell was kicked open and 10 guards loudly stormed in. Shivani nose scrunched up as her plant cocoon to rattle from being distributed causing her to awake from sleep. Green was all she saw when her eyes fluttered open. Then there were the sounds of vines and leaves snapping and being pulled apart. Their actions made her annoyed. Not too soon did she hear screams from the guards as her plants attacked for making her slightly agitated and ruining her peace and quiet.

She thought it was over and quite again until her cocoon was being lifted up and moved out quickly.
She didn't know where they were taking her. There were more screams, but not because of her plants. Along with a large splash and a roar accompanied by shouts. Suddenly, the guards carrying her stopped and placed the cocoon upright on the ground. There was the sound of a saw or maybe a weed whacker being turned on and decided that now was the time to get out so no more harm came to her plants. Before they could place the blade against the green the cocoon shook. The vines and leaves and flowers parted an opening and Shivani stumbled out with a full head of long dark locks.

Hands were immediately on her arms, body, and head was once again strapped onto a chair. They wheeled her down the hall and up ahead she saw doctors in scrubs and strange-looking equipment. She heard the man that was in front of her say something about deaf hoes before they wheeled him out. Shivani was next.

Seeing the needle gun that they took out of the case made her tense. No way in hell was she a fan of things being pricked and poked into her body. She didn't know what it was but she had a feeling that she was going to find out.

"Stand by

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"Stand by. Arming device."

"Device armed."

The nozzle was put onto her skin. There was a painful prick as whatever was loaded in that gun was injected into her neck with a click and she let out a yelp, taking in a deep breath when it was over.

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