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Be Alright

Be Alright

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Shivani and Diablo ran hand in hand while they followed the Joker's henchmen men to a large van that was waiting for them. The alarms behind them blared and made her ears throb. The clown queen herself hopped out of the back of the car and held her arms above her head and grinned at them both.


Harley tackled the pyrokinect into a bone crushing hug. He was taken back, but slowly gave his friend a hug as well. Then she pulled the couple together in front of her and to their dismay squished their faces together.

"Aw, just look at you two back together again! So cute!" She squealed.

"Harley." A voice called from inside the van. She smiled sheepishly at the two.

"Oh right. Let's go!"

They all ushered into the van and when the doors slammed closed it goes speeding down the abandon road and off to freedom. Shivani's heartbeat had finally slowed down. Only for it to speed back up when Harley unexpectedly grabbed her shoulders and shook them.

"How you kids hanging on? We'll all be in Gotham before you know it! Then we've gotta take care of the whole bomb in our necks. They won't stay disarmed forever, ya know. And I'm not gonna sugar coat anything—it'll hurt like a bitch. Or so I assume it will. Aside from all that, I can't wait for all our girls nights! We'll have sleepovers, going clubbing—" She was cut off by a bang on coming from the front of the van and went over, opening the slot that let you see whoever was up front and looked inside smiling.

"Hiya, Puddin'!"

Shivani had almost forgot about the Joker until now. Harley spoke to him, only saying few words as it sound like he was doing most of the speaking, while she nods her head and letting out a giggle here and there. The tattooed beauty turned her attention away from her friend and towards Diablo who had been already looking at her.

"What happens now?" Shivani asked. No doubt Waller would want them hunted down to the ends of the earth. Diablo cupped her cheek, rubbing his warm thumb on her soft cheek.

"I don't know. But we're together. We'll be alright." He said.

Resting her head on his shoulder he leaned his ontop of hers. Shivani sent Harley a look as she had already stopped talking through the slot and started loudly humming 'Here Comes The Bride' while looking at them. And didn't stop until she finished completely, grinning the whole time. The corner of Diablo's mouth lifted.

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