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Share The Pain

Share The Pain

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There was no bright light. Not even a twinkle. Just darkness. At first Shivani thought maybe she had died and gone to hell--as eternal punishment for the sins of the wicked creatures that took refuge on her skin. But then she became aware that she was moving, but not by her own accord. Someone was carrying her. She opened her eyes and they began to adjust. The drowsiness leaving her being.

"Am I dead?" Shivani asked.

"Nah. Just sleeping." A familiar voice whispered.

She lifts her head up slightly and is met with tan skin and black ink. She traced a line down the side of his neck with her finger until it disappeared into the collar of his blue jacket. He shivered at her touch.


It was him. He was fine. Didn't even have a scratch on him. She looked over his shoulder and saw Harley and the others walking ahead of them and Flag with his team. Shivani felt her body slipping down his back. Before she falls even further Diablo lifts her up by the back of her legs with a secure grip. She holds onto his arms.

"I got you, mama."

Her head went back to lay on his shoulder. Nuzzling her face into his jacket with a content sigh. She started to feel the effects of her body hitting the ground. Along with an uncomfortable ache in her bones and waves of pain through her muscles. Though she was now wide awake he didn't put her down. She wasn't complaining though. His jacket held a smokey sent along with something else that was just Diablo. Plus, it was cold without her sisters jacket and he was so warm.

"Can I stay like this for the rest of the mission?"

"I don't have no problems with that."

"Yay! Shi's awake!"

Harley squeals, perking up as she turns her head towards the two with a big smile. That caught the attention of everyone else and relief flashed over all of their faces. Even Flags. Before it went back to his serious face.

"Diablo, put her down. Medic get over there." Flag said.

Shivani let out a whine as her feet touched the ground. Diablo smiled at her as she sat criss crossed on the ground with a pout. The medic came over and reached into his bag pulling out a light and flashing it in her eyes

"How long was I out?" Shivani asked.

"10 minutes. Not too long." Flag said hands on his hips.

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