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Red Hot


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Harley continued with embarrassing Shivani and Diablo chuckled as the young woman's face turned as red as her hair. They finally made it towards their destination. Now all that was left do was rescue this mystery person. Flag and his men had their guns aimed at the entrance of the tall building. Just in case one of those creatures popped up.

Shivani looked over at her friend who's lipstick was smudged and eyeshadow smeared from previous fighting. She wonder who her face looked.

"Waller. We're about the enter the building. Get that chopper ready." Flag said into the com in his ear.

They were just standing their and she tapped her foot wondering when they'd actually go in. She watched as Floyd walked ahead and went towards the Colonel.

"What do you say we get this over with?" He asked before walking towards the door.

"What the hell? Deadshot! Fall back."

Floyd pushed open the door and the whole thing shattered and feel apart. He just stepped over it and strolled on in with his gun up. The rest of the team fell in with him.

"You mind if we tag along?" Flag asked the hitman when he was next to him.

The soldiers swept the area and everything was clear. They'll stop by this desk that held a security camera screen showing all eight boxes, four on each. Harley walked slowly, each hand on her bat as she held it at her shoulders, her heels going tic toc. Seeming to be looking for something. Shivani drowned out whatever it was Digger began to say fighting back a yawn. Never has she felt this drained before.

"C'mon, beautiful. We don't take stairs." Harley whispers before grabbing her hand.

She dragged her out of site from the other walking into the open elevator. Pushing a button the doors side close. It's fives seconds before it dings! and starts moving. Both turned towards the glass window. Shivani looks down and sees Flag and the others making their up the steps. Apparently they heard the ding of the machine and one look up seeing the two--Harley waving with a smile and her giving them a sheepish one--caused both Rick and Deadshot to curse and start running faster towards the stairs.

"They looked extremely pissed." Shivani said as they continued to go higher.

"Never mind them. Now, you still remember my offer?" Harley asked placing her bat to leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, why?" She noticed that she had a certain glint in her eye.

"Well, you never know! Soon the opportunity to escape--with me might slip. But if you're really hell bent on staying with Flag and his band of goodie-goodies, then okay. I won't be made. But that's not going to stop me from coming back for you, got it?"

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